What am I going to do?

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She headed straight down to ITU. Luckily Sacha's son Daniel had left.
"Hi"said Jac
"Hi, wasn't expecting to see you again today"
"How you feeling? What did Dan have to say?"
"I think we had a good heart to heart. I haven't seen him for a year. Whatever you think of Chrissie"
Jac snorted, pretty much confirming her feelings About Sacha's second wife. She and his son now lived in Australia
"She has flown to the UK with him and brought him to this hospital which can't have been easy for her. Rachel and Becca have contact with him through some sort of social media and they told him. They got straight on a plane"
"Well" huffed Jac "it's the least she could do"
"What are doing back here Jac?"
"Well some people really need you Sacha and tonight I'm one of them, I really need your advice. I need someone to talk to"
"OK what's up?"
"It's Fletch"
Sacha raised a questioning eyebrow
"Go on"
Jac sighed heavily - "don't know where to start really. Before the shooting I had a bit of a melt down. Jasmine, Fran, Guy, Zosia, it was all spinning round in my head. I was having panic attacks and I was questioning my abilities as a surgeon"
"Must have been bad. Sorry carry on"
"Well Fletch was there. I didn't go to him but he found me in my office freaking out one day. He calmed me down, he held me until I stopped flailing around"
Sacha nodded
"I decided just before the shooting that I was going to leave Holby City and spend more time with Emma. The day I was going to hand the letter of resignation in was the day of the shooting. Anyway he was there all through that. Every time I woke from an operation he was there at the end of my bed, through the physio, putting up with me being a nightmare patient he was always there. Before I went away he said we needed to talk but classic me I ran. Thing is Sacha I told him today that I had come to rely on him which I found hard to admit. He said he was pretty hurt by that, thought we were something more. The night that you ended up in here he came home with me, I told him I didn't want to be alone."
Jac covered her face with her hands embarrassed "I came on to him twice. We didn't go any further but. Shit Sacha I think I might be in love with Fletch.What am I going to do?"
Sacha laughed softly "Jac it's so blindingly obvious that you two should be together"
"I'm sorry,what?"
"Oh come on babe. The banter, the support. You should have seen him when you were away he was like a lost puppy and he was like a cat on hot bricks on the day you were originally due back. When you didn't he went quite cold, had a fling with Abi and then you arrived preparing to put your life in the hands of John Gaskell and he's still there for you"
"I told him I didn't understand what he wanted from me. I think I do understand but what if I'm wrong. It's too risky"
"He said he'd given kissing me a lot of thought" Jac blushed "I need to talk to him don't I "
"Finally" Sacha said smiling "you deserve some happiness"
"So do you"
"Seeing you happy will make me happy Jac"
She leant in and hugged him "wish me luck"
"I don't think you'll need it. Come see me tomorrow I want to know what happens "
"You're like an old woman for gossip Levy"

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