Are you sure about this

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Jac decided she needed to see Fletch now before she lost her bottle.
She drove to Fletch's house and spent 5 minutes in the car psyching herself up to knock on the door. He might not even be in, his kids are away after all but he answered the door wearing faded jeans, bare feet, a t shirt and he had wet hair from the shower.
"Jac, what are you doing here?" He sounded very neutral about her being there
"I think I understand what you want from me" she said without saying hello "is this part of it?" She reached up and kissed him. After the initial shock he responded as she hoped he would. Their tongues moving lazily with each other. Eventually they pulled apart.
"Well that's certainly part of it. Are you coming in?"
Jac had been seemingly unaware that they were standing in the still open doorway
"Oh right yes"
"Can I get you a drink? Wine, beer, tea, coffee?"
"Coffee please, I want to stay stone cold sober so you are in no doubt about anything I might say"
"First of all I'm sorry for making you think I just rely on you, use you" she paused "you know that you mean so much more to me than that"
"Do I?"
"Fletch you know you do. You mean much much more. You asked me what was going through my mind last night?"
"And?" He said warily
"Well I know we were a little drunk but that just lowered my inhibitions but I knew what I was doing. What was going through my mind was why have we never done this before, why haven't we been doing this for months"
"Ok. So what now?"
"I went to see Sacha tonight -he thinks it's blindingly obvious that we should be together" she held her breath
"And what do you think Jac?"
She stared at the familiar face which now seemed more handsome, his eyes more sparkling. She was willing to take a chance on this
"I think I love you Fletch and I think Sacha's probably right"
He placed his coffee cup on the table. Was this real? Jac Naylor standing in his kitchen saying she loves him. He walked slowly over to her, neither breaking eye contact
"Are you sure about this" he asked taking her hands in his and gently stroking her wrists
"I am, are you?"
"Never been more sure Jac. Just to be clear you want us to be together"
Jac laughed "of course. God you're as bad as me"
"It's just a bit unbelievable. I mean .... oh you know what I mean "
"Fletcher shut up" she smiled putting her fingers on his lips. He kissed them gently then, pulling her in close he kissed her deeply.Suddenly he pulled away a look of panic on his face "you know that I love you too?"
"Well I do now "
"When did you, you know realise?"
"Today when I was talking to Sacha" she said sheepishly "you know that I am the world's leading expert in denial. If I wasn't such an emotional fuck up I would have realised months ago. I remember the feeling I had whenever I woke from a procedure after the shooting, you were there on the end of my bed, looking out for me. I felt safe and cared for both of which are pretty alien concepts for me"
"What about you?"
"Kinda crept up on me. It felt like being in love with you was a bit of a death wish but I couldn't help myself" he laughed
"A death wish? Well that's nice" she playfully punched him in the arm
Fletch laughed, which set Jac off and soon they were helpless. Tears rolling down their cheeks, holding onto each other.
Finally they regained some composure
"Not really sure what to do now. I've never rocked up at someone's house before and declared that I loved them" Jac said
"Well I've never had anyone turn up at my house declaring undying love before so we're just going to have to make it up Naylor"
"Well we could" she said running her hands over his chest, "carry on from where we left off last night"
"That" he said running his hands through her hair "is an excellent idea"

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