Why do i love this so much?

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On the way home Fletch questioned his decision to tell Jac that he thought they were going to be together for the rest of their lives. It wasn't really a decision he just said it without over thinking it. It was just how he felt but he did worry that Jac would freak out. She'd seemed pretty calm when he left but probably had not had time for what he'd said to really sink in.
Oh stop it Fletcher if they had learnt anything in recent weeks it was that they needed to be honest with each other. He resolved to speak to her as soon as possible.
He texted Jac as soon as he got in
Hi can you get Sacha to watch Emma for a couple of hours and come over? X
Jac was curious as to why he needed to see her so urgently
Ok. Is everything alright? X
Yeah just wanted to speak to you face to face x
Ok I'll be over in an hour x
"Sacha will you babysit Emma. I need to go over to Fletch's he wants to speak to me face to face"
"That sounds ominous" Sacha observed
"I know"
An hour later, after putting Emma to bed, Jac was standing outside Fletch's front door, nervously she rang the bell.
He ushered her in and out to the garden since it was still a warm evening
Sitting down on the bench Jac cleared her throat
"So what's the emergency?"
He took her hand
"Just wanted to make sure you weren't freaking out about what I said earlier"
"Ahh" Jac did not see any point in pretending she didn't know what he was talking about
"So?" he asked "are you freaking out?"
"Not exactly. Just came as a bit of a surprise, I suppose I'm still getting my head round 'us'"
Fletch sighed "I don't need you to feel the same right now , I just need to know that it's something that you wouldn't dismiss out of hand"
"I love you" she reassured him "just give me time OK?" She searched his eyes
"Take all the time you need. Just don't run at the first sign of something serious, something real, something forever"
"I'm not going anywhere Fletch"
He brought her into his arms and held her tight
"Anyway"she said "did I pass with the Fletchlings?"
He laughed "initial reports are very good. Evie is the most protective of me , she just needed to know I wasn't going to get hurt or introduce someone into their lives that was going to leave. They've had to deal with a lot of loss. I reassured her that this was the real thing"
"It is babe. It is" Jac interjected "what about the others?"
"Well Theo is over the moon cos he thinks he'll be seeing more of Emma. Ella hasn't really said but would tell Evie if she had a problem with it and Mikey thinks you're fit and thinks I'm punching above my weight" he laughed
"Hmm I guess I can't expect a young boy to appreciate how sexy his father is"
"Sexy?" Fletch teased
"You heard" Jac lifted her head and kissed him
"Hold it right there Naylor unless you want me to commit an indecent act in my own garden and scar the children for life."
"Control yourself  Fletcher"
He chuckled "you make that very difficult Ms Naylor"
She smiled "cuppa before I go?"
"Absolutely" Fletch said leading her inside to the kitchen
I hate domesticated women and cosy family life mused Jac so why do I love this so much?

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