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November 20, 1988- Princess Alice Elizabeth Mary Margaret of Wales was born at 6:22 AM in the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital to parents Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales. She is the younger sibling to Prince William of Wales, 6, and Prince Harry of Wales, 4.

"Mummy!" William and Harry both shout as they walk into the hospital room with their father after getting picked up from school later in the day.

"Hey, boys!" Diana responded with a smile on her face. She loved seeing how excited her kids looked when seeing her. "There is someone I would like you to meet."

"Who is it mummy?" William asked.

"This is your baby sister." Charles told them with a smile on his face as well. He finally got the daughter he always wanted. "Her name is Alice. Would you like to hold her?" He asked them.

"Yes!" Harry shouted and everyone laughed.

"Okay, Come sit down on the couch." Charles told them as he took Alice out of Diana's arms.

"Be very gentle with her, you hold her like this." He showed the boys how to do it before handing her to William first.

"I love her!" William said. Diana and Charles both look at each other and smile.

Their marriage was starting to fall apart and crumble. This baby was the last chance to keep their marriage together. At this moment, it looked like they could be the happy family Diana always dreamed about. Unfortunately, It wouldn't stay this way forever.

"My turn!" Harry yelled excitingly. He always wanted a sister.

Charles picked up Alice from William's arms and placed her in Harry's. A huge smile grew on his face and his eyes lit up. Diana quietly grabbed her camera from the side of the bed and took a picture of Alice with her brothers when they weren't looking.

"Can we keep her?" Harry asked seriously.

"Of course we can!" William responded for his parents. "Right?" He asked them just to make sure.

"On one condition," Diana started to tell them. "You always protect her and love her. You will always be there for each other, no matter what." She stated to her sons. Charles looked at her still with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We promise!" William and Harry both said jumping up and down after Charles took the baby from Harry.

"Shh." Diana said and put her pointer finger up to her mouth. "We don't want to wake up your sister." She whispered with the same smile that still hadn't left her face.

"Will you take a picture of us?" Diana asked one of the nurses from her bed and handed her the camera after she agreed.

They all gathered around the bed. Charles picked up Harry, and William stood on the other side of the bed while Diana held her Daughter in her arms.

This is what she always wanted, a happy family. But unknown to everyone at the time. In a span of less then 10 years, they will experience heartbreak and tragedy.

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