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August 23, 1996 (Ages: Alice-7 Harry-11 William-14)

Alice was very excited for today, William was coming back for two weeks before going back to school at Eton! He started at the school last year and since then, Harry and Alice haven't had the chance to see much of their brother. The reason he was coming back from a vacation with a few of his friends, was because their parents told their children that they had to talk to them about something.

Alice was looking out a window, waiting for the car with her brother and parents to show up. Harry was currently just watching TV in the same room as her. It took about 30 minutes of waiting until Alice saw the black SUV pull up outside of Windsor Castle, where they were currently staying at.

"He's here!" Alice yelled as she ran out of the room with Harry following behind her. After running down a flight of stairs and taking a few turns down hallways, she was outside.

"Wills!" Alice ran over to her brother who had a huge smile on his face. He picked her up in a hug and spun her around.

"How have you been, Al?" Still in their hug, Alice felt safe and happy where she was, the smell of his cologne almost being comforting.

"I've missed you." She whispered, but he could still here because she was right next to his ear.

"I've missed you too." He said as he sat her back down on the brick driveway.

"How ya doing, Cheeto-head?" William said to Harry. He always loved to make fun of his ginger hair.

"Haha." Harry responded sarcastically and went to give his brother a hug.

"So what was so important that I called back here from Italy?" William asked Diana and Charles who were watching their children reconnect.

"Uh, us of course!"Harry said trying to be a smart aleck and laughs. His older brother smacks the back of his head and rolls his eyes.

"Why don't we go inside and sit down." Charles offers to his kids who nod. William grabbed Alice and swung her over his shoulder and runs into the castle in front of everyone. Sounds of laughter are heard down the hallways.

'If only they new what was coming.' Diana thought to herself. She had no idea on how her kids will react to what they have to tell them.


The kids sat on one sofa while their parents sat on the other sofa that directly faced them. Alice was in between her brothers.

"So," Diana spoke first. "You know how your father and I separated last year to see what would happened?" All of her children nodded. "We both have made mistakes within our marriage..." She paused.

"What is it, mum?" William asked, knowing something was going on.

"Us and your grandmother have decided it would be best if we get a divorce." Charles finished for Diana.

Alice looked at Harry and saw he had tears in his eyes. She looked over at William and he had an unreadable expression on his face. Alice was still confused.

"I hope you'll both be happy now." William said sadly.

"Is this because of that girl?" Alice asked quietly. Everyone looked over at the seven year old.

"Who?" Harry asked his younger sister.

"The one daddy is always hanging out with and sneaking her in the palace." Alice told everyone like it was no big deal.

Charles was embarrassed and shocked for thinking he could get away with something like that. Diana looked hurt. Or maybe devastated would be the better word, she knew about her husbands affair, but she didn't need her kids to know when they were so young.

"What's her name again? Camille? Camilla? That's it! Camilla!" Everyone was shocked. Her brothers were very confused and needed to know more....


A/N: Hope everyone is enjoying the story! Sorry, I haven't updated in a few days. We will be getting to the part of Diana's death soon and then doing a time jump forward a few years. I don't have an update schedule and will be updating when I have time to write. :)

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