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April 27, 2011 (Ages: Alice-24 Harry-26 William-29) Alices P.O.V 

As I walk the streets outside of a children's school before going in, I liked taking the time to say 'hi' to the people that waited outside to show support for my family. 

"Are you excited for the wedding, Princess Alice?" An older women asks me and I was shaking her hand.

"Of course, I love Catherine! It's going to be fantastic to finally have another girl around!" I tell her with a smile on my face before moving on and seeing a little girl with brown hair. I bend down to talk to her.

"Hello! What's your name?" I asked her as she looked down shyly.

"Diana." She says quietly and the smile falters off my face before I remember I'm in public and have to  compose myself.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I told her.

"Are you a real princess?" She asks as her eyes finally meet mine. I laugh and everyone else around joins me.

"Why, yes I do believe so!" She has a bigger smile then before, if that's even possible.

"Do you live in a castle?" 

"Something like that." I told her.

"Do you have a Prince Charming like Cinderella?" She asked me, which took my aback a bit. That was not was not a question I was expecting from a little girl.

"Not yet." I told her with a small grin on my face.

"Ah, why not?" She asks with a frown which made me laugh again. This girl is very straight forward, it's cute.

"Well," I told her while looking down at my feet quick before meeting her eyes. I needed to think of something clever to say. "There are other fairytales besides Cinderella's, mine just isn't complete yet." I told her. "But," I said in a whisper so she could only hear and the surrounding cameras couldn't. "I do happen to have two brothers that are princes, but they don't act them. They're quite crazy"

Her and I bother laughed before I said goodbye and entered the school.


Once I got back to Kensington Palace, Kate was sitting on a couch while my brothers were playing pool. She was just watching while sipping a cocktail.

"You cheated!" William yelled at my brother jokingly.

"No I didn't, you just suck." Harry replied simply before they continued bickering and starting another game. I managed to somehow  go and sit next to Catherine without my brothers noticing.

"Are you sure you want to marry my brother and be stuck with that for the rest of your life? I wouldn't blame you if you want to leave while you still can." We both laughed.

"It's too late to cancel the wedding now, we're only two days away. I can't wait! I'm just so excited" She said while looking at my brothers wrestling over a striped seven ball on the table.

"I can't wait either." I said with a small smile.

If I was being honest, I was a little scared. I was scared that my older brother would soon no longer want to spend time with me, that he would forget his little sister. Soon, he would have a family of his own. Where was my Prince Charming? Would I ever find someone?


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! This isn't my best chapter, but the next chapter will be the first royal wedding! I'm hoping to bring a love interest into the story soon for Alice! would you guys want it to be a normal everyday person, or a celebrity? Thanks for reading!


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