N I N E (Part 2)

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2004 (Ages: Alice-17 Harry-19 William-22) 



"What's going on pa?" Harry said to his father getting straight to the point.

"Your father and I have some news and we wanted you to be the first ones to know." Camilla said and looked down and Charles.

"We're getting married in April of next year." The room grew silent. You could easily say that all the children were taken aback for a moment before William spoke up.


{Alice's P.O.V}

"Alice!" I heard from behind me while I was walking fast down a long hallway.

As I turned around, I see my brothers. I didn't feel like talking and currently had tears streaming down my face. I quickly tried to wipe them before they say, but I failed. They kept coming faster.

"What was that about?" Harry said concerned as he put his hand on my elbows, pretty much holding me up as I was now sobbing.

"She-She ru-ruined m-mom's" I said as I left out another sob and started to fall down before William caught me from behind and set me down gently with my back against the wall of the hallway.

"Al, You need to talk some deep breathes for me, okay?" William told his sister. I watched as he and Harry shared a look, probably not knowing what to do as their little sister crumpled down before them.

{William's P.O.V}

It's been a few months since Alice has had a breakdown like this. She locked herself in her room and refused to talk to anyone for three days. Harry and I looked at each other because we had no idea on how to help her. We just decided to keep telling her stuff like "Everything's okay" and "Shh" in hopes that she would calm down, which thankfully she did.

"Do you want to talk to us now?" Harry asked her gently. 

"She ruined mom's life." Alice paused for a second and looked back down at the carpet. "She made her life a living hell. She ruined her marriage. And, and she took mom's happiness." She said the last sentence quietly. 

Harry and I didn't talk, we had to take a second to think of what she said. She was right.

"I know Al, but this is what will make dad happy, okay? We gotta do this for him." I spoke. I didn't like the idea of him marrying Camilla, but I had to do what would best for dad.

"I'm not going to the ceremony." Alice stated sternly. I knew that she hadn't really dealt with mummy's death, so maybe it would be best if she stayed home. But, it isn't my decision to make....

"Okay, Alice." I spoke in a hushed tone.


A/N: I am continuing the story and I have not copied anyones work. The reason I'm writing this story is because I enjoy coming up with the plot and deciding what happens next. I just hope that at least a few people enjoy what I write. Thanks for all the support! I would also like to apologize for not updating in a while, I've currently been busy with school. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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