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August 31, 1997 (Ages: Alice-10 Harry-12 William-15)


William woke up first, their father was sitting on the end of the bed with red, puffy eyes. Wills knew something was wrong.

"Dad," William said groggy while still waking up. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked sitting up. Something inside him told him that he was not going to enjoy what his dad had to say.

"William, uh, there was an accident. A car accident. Your mother, was in the car," William stared right into his dad's eyes, taking in every word he said. "Her injuries were to severe, she didn't make it." William's eyes filled up with tears.

Many thoughts ran through his mind: Why him? Why his family? Why did his siblings have to grow up without a mother? What did they do to deserve this? William just felt numb. Nothing much, just numb.

He hugged his dad and started to sob, his father was trying to comfort him but nothing worked in this situation. He looked over to see his younger siblings, they were only 12 and 10. He didn't want them to go through this.

Harry woke up a few minutes later from the sounds of his brother crying while his sister was still asleep next to him.

"What?" Harry asked looking at his brother and father and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What is it?" The next thing Harry would hear would change his life. It would leave a lasting impact on his life, this conversation would be something he would never forget.

After he was told the news, Harry was just shocked. He didn't cry. What he did do, was look down at his sleeping sister. For she would lose her best friends. He came to the realization that she would have to be raised without a mother, their wonderful mother. She wouldn't get to have all the experiences that he and William had with Diana. The only thing he knew for sure, was he was going to make sure that his 10-year-old sister knew who their mother was. He got to be able to know here from an extra two years, two years that she wouldn't get the chance to spend with her.

It wasn't long before she woke up and saw William and her dads red, puffy eyes. She sat up and asked one simple question that broke him.

"Where's mummy? She said she is coming home today! I talked to her on the phone yesterday! Aren't you guys excited!" Alice said with a huge smile on her face. Everyone just looked at her. William with tears still rolling down his face just looked at Charles.

William grabbed his sister and pulled her into a very protective hug, like he wanted to protect her from all the sadness and grief that was was going to occur in the next steps of their lives. He didn't have any idea how this was going to effect Alice in the long run. He was scared that eventually, it would get to much and she couldn't cope with everything and drown in her own tears. William didn't want to see his sister break.

"Princess," Their father spoke. "Your mother is home, she is back with god. She is back with her father and grandparents." This is when Harry started crying. Charles father hugged him. Alice was still confused and didn't know what her Pa meant.

"There was a car accident, your mother passed away." My father said. His voice broke at the end of his sentence. It took her a minute or two to process what he meant before she started sobbing. She latched onto William even harder then he was holding her before. They all just sat there, hugging each other and crying.

For what they didn't know, that the grief that would occur now and on from that moment, would bring them even closer.


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