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November, 2011 (Ages: Alice-25 Harry-27 William-30) Alices P.O.V 

"Is anyone sitting here?" He asked, in a British accent.

I turned around to see someone, a man, around my age with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. His mouth immediately dropped open in shock.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry....Your Royal Highness. I'll just find another seat." He turned around and took a step away from me.

"Hey! Wait!" He stops walking and turns around and faces me. "The seats open."

I reassured him with a smile. He than slowly nodded and hesitated before he sat down.

"So, what are you doing here? Are you alone, if I may ask?" he then smiled and looked into my eyes.

"I'll tell you, I just need to know some background information about you first. I don't trust just anybody you know." I grinned at the boy in front of me. "Your not apart of a news outlet are you?" I asked him, trusting whatever he was to say next.

"Well, My name is Nikolas, but I go by Nick. I'm from Kent. I moved to London when I was seven and I am NOT from a news station....what else do you want to know?"

I looked at him and decided at that moment that I was going to trust him, what else would I do for the next few hours.

"I'm Alice, it's nice to meet you. I'm here with my brothers and my 'new sister', Wills thought it would be fun to take us on a ski trip." He looked at me like he had something to ask.

"Why are you not skiing then?" Nick asked.

"That's quite a funny story actually. You see, I was walking down a back hallway with my family and I happened to trip over a large crack in the concrete. I fell and hit my head, as you can see by my forehead, and lost a lot of blood and passed out. Now, I'm just dizzy and have a headache." I responded with a laugh at the end. He gave me a smile.

"Well, it seems like your going to be sitting here for a while then because it is a perfect night to ski, If you would like company, I have no where it be."

"Why not." I responded.

We ended up talking until four in the morning! It seemed to go by really quick. He said that he was staying for two more days and then going back to London. I told him we should meet up sometime. We kept talking until we were later interrupted by William, Catherine, and Harry accompanied by a new bottle of scotch.

"Hey!" William said as he walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "How are you feeling?" he asked and then looked up, to noticed a wide eyed Nick staring at all three of them. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm William, and this is Harry and Catherine." 

"I'm feeling fine, I little dizzy, but that scotch looks good." I said with a smile trying to convince Harry to share some.

"I don't think you should have any tonight sis, maybe you should go to bed. I'll save some for you." He laughed after that, I was really hoping he was being serious about saving me some.

"Come on, I'll walk you back." William told me.

I looked back at Nick and mouthed the words 'I will text you later.' As I stood up quick to walk back to the room with William, I was struck by another wave of dizziness. I started to fall to my knees but Nick caught me right before I hit the floor.

"You okay?" He asked me with the same concerning look that my family was currently giving me. I nodded and then walked fast out of the room.

"Al!" William said loudly as he ran up behind me. "Hey, stop for a second." I stopped walking and turned to face him. "What's going on?" I kept on staring. "You can talk to me, you know that right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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