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2007 (Ages: Alice-21 Harry-23 William-25) {Alice's P.O.V}

"Why'd you have to join the military? Couldn't you have worked at a bakery or something instead?" I asked Harry as we were standing in an airport, with William and dad a few steps behind me. Harry laughed before rolling his eyes. 

"You know I've always wanted to do this. This is my dream, Al." He told me in a more serious tone with a small smirk on his face.

"But what if you don't come back?"  I asked him quietly with my voice breaking and tears filling my eyes. "I lost mum already, I can't lose you too." Harry pulled me into a hug as the tears kept rolling down my face.

"I'm only gonna be gone for a few months. I'm not leaving you for good, okay? I'm going to come home and then we can catch up on some telly and you can make me a nice home cooked meal." He said with a smile as he pulled back from the hug and looked me in eyes. His thumb brushed the tears away from my face. 

At this point, the other soldiers were starting to get ready to board to deploy to Afghanistan and many people were staring at my family and I, but we didn't care. We wanted to see Harry off like the other normal families did. They called his flight and he walked towards dad and William.

"Stay safe out there." Dad said as he hugged Harry.

"Love ya too, pa." Harry said with a smile and wink before turning towards are older brother.

"Looks like we'll be living in a clean home for the next few months." Wills said as he stepped towards Harry and gave him one of those weird man hugs.

"I'll be back before ya know it."

"Better be." William responded.

They talked a little longer as a looked down and let my thoughts fill my head. What if he doesn't come back? What will I do without him? I can't go through another loss like that. I don't want to lose my best friend.


{Harry's P.O.V}

To be completely honest, I didn't know if I was going to be coming home. I had to have hope and stay strong for my family. They started boarding my plane so I had to go. William and I finished up our conversation quick before we looked back and saw Alice looking down at the ground with tears coming down her eyes, fast. I had to leave before I started crying too, so I turned to Wills quick.

"Take care of her for me." I simply told him. "Make sure she stays safe." This next part I had to say to be honest with my self and William. So, I took a step closer to him and lowered my volume to make sure Al can't hear us.

"We both know that there is a possibility I won't come back."

"Don't talk like tha-"

"William. I need to make sure and know that she is safe and that nothing happens to her." I told him as I looked into his eyes.

"Of course." He said quietly. I could tell he was getting chocked up himself and I thought now would be a good time to leave.

"Well," I said as I looked back toward the rest of my family. "I better get going before I miss my flight." Alice's head snapped up quick and she walked over towards Wills and I and hugged me once more. "I love you guys." I said before I kissed her cheek and walked away...without looking back.


{William's P.O.V}

We watched as he walked away. We didn't talk. It was absolutely quiet between the three of us, until after we saw the last of Harry step on the plane. Then Alice started sobbing as she hugged my waste from the right side of me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and started to talk to her. Dad walked over and started to rub her back. I could tell that he was trying not to cry and stay strong for us from his red eyes.

"Shh, It's gonna be okay. He'll be back in a few months."

We stayed like that for over an hour......


A/N: Hey everyone! This is one of my favorite chapter I have written so far! I hope you all enjoyed it. I also wanted to get your opinion about something, I was thinking about making a second book after I finish this one. This book should end around 2013 or 2014 and the second book will bring it into modern day and the future. What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading!

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