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September 6, 1997- (Ages: Alice-10 Harry-12 William-15)

Today was the day that three children would say their final goodbyes their mother, with the whole world watching.

Alice hadn't really talked to anybody since they day they found out about the accident. She spent the past week in her room, just staring up at her ceiling. Everyone had tried to talk to her, but she refused to talk. Nobody has heard her voice in the last week expect her brothers. They would often come in and try to talk to her, but she had very little to say. She didn't know how to say goodbye. Something inside her told her that her mother would be knocking at her door any minute saying that she was home. But that wasn't the case.

Alice looked in the mirror at herself wearing a black dress. She had bloodshot eyes and tears running down her face. She didn't even realize she was crying until she saw her reflection.

Alice was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't hear William come into her room.

"Alice, you ready?" She turned around and faced her older brother.

"Al," William paused and went to go hug his sister. "We are going to get through this, okay? I'll be right next to you the whole time, same with Harry." Alice just nodded back to her brother.

"Let's go."


Alice watched as her grandfather, uncle, dad, and brothers all walked behind her mother's coffin. She knew this day would come, but not this soon, she was only 10 years old.

This was a moment that she would never forget and would live with her for the rest of her life. Crowds of thousands of people came to watch her mother's coffin go by. Almost a third of the world watched on television. Yet, silence almost filled the air. The only noise was the sound of horse hooves and sobbing of people in the crowd.

It was hard for Alice to grasp the fact that people that never even met her mother, were showing more emotion then she was at the moment. Her face was blank and pale and the coffin was coming closer and closer to her from down the street.

At that moment, she told herself that she wanted to leave an impact on the world like her mother did. She wanted to continue her legacy through her work that Diana never got to finish. She wanted to make her mother proud.

As the coffin came and stood in front of her, the tears finally fell out of her eyes. Harry and William looked up from the ground for the first time during the walk to see their sister's face. It was hard to describe the expression that she showed.

She looked lost and confused. She couldn't understand how one minute her mother could be hugging her and laughing, and then end up in the situation they are in now.


Once they got inside the church, the family broke protocol by letting Alice sit between her brothers instead of by order of succession. To the children, the service went by pretty quick, they were all pretty much lost in their own thoughts the whole time.

The only time Alice started crying was during Elton John's performance of 'Candle in the Wind'. Even her brothers looked like they were going to start crying, but they didn't. William just rubbed circles on his sisters back until she calmed down.

If only Alice knew, that her life in the public eye would only lead to more struggles and sadness.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I had a lot of trouble trying to think of a way to do this in a chapter. We will be doing a time jump to 2004 now! Alice will be 18 and still processing the loss of her mother because she never really dealt with it. The next few chapters will also be in Alice's point of view to get a better idea on how she was feeling. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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