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July, 1995 - Kensington Palace (Ages: Alice-6 Harry-10 William-13)

Picture above taken on August 19, 1995

"Mummy?" Alice whispers as she opens the door to her moms bedroom, which was dark, and shuts the door as quietly as she can. "Mummy? Are you awake?" Alice was suppose to go to bed a while ago but couldn't fall asleep.

She noticed that her mum' wasn't in bed as looked towards the bathroom door and saw the lights peaking through the bottom. As she got closer, she heard the faint sound of sobs coming from the other side of the door.

"Mummy? Are you alright?" The six year old asked. Diana tried to stop crying to respond to her daughter.

"Yes, hunny. I'm fine, go back to sleep, okay?" She tried saying as calmly as she could.

"Okay, goodnight, mum'." Alice didn't leave, though. She remained quiet at the door. Once Diana thought that her daughter was gone, she continued sobbing.

Alice quietly left the room with tears of her own in her eyes. She headed down the hallway and stopped at the room her brothers were currently in, watching a movie. She opened the door and saw them on the bed.

"Alice," William paused the TV, both him and harry looked at their sister. "What are you still doing up? You were suppose to be in bed a while ago." Alice walked over to the bed and sat between her brothers. They both noticed her watery eyes and looked at each other.

"What's wrong, Al?" Harry asked his sister concerned. She let a few tears slip out of her eyes.

"What is wrong with mummy?" She asked her brothers as she slowly started to begin sobbing like her mother was a few minutes ago when she went to the bathroom door.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh." William said and hugged his sister while looking at his brother. Harry just shrugged his shoulders as he rubbed circle on her back, trying to calm her down.

"Can you tell us what happened?" William asked quietly once Alice calmed down.

"I-I went into mummy's room because I couldn't sleep, and I saw the bathroom light coming out from under the door and walked up to it. She was crying." William nodded and looked at Harry who had a scared and concerned expression on his face.

"Okay, I want you to stay here with Harry, okay? I'll be right back." He picked up Alice and set her on Harry's lap.

"Watch her. If you can, try and get her to fall asleep." Harry nodded and William left the room to go check on his mother and comfort her from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Is mummy' alright?" Alice asked her brother as she laid her head against his chest and yawned. Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"She'll be okay. Try and go to asleep okay." She closed her eyes, feeling comfortable and safe in her brothers embrace.

"I love you, Harry." She mumbled half asleep.

"Love ya too, Al." Her brother said and kissed the top of her head.

After an hour or so, William had finally got his mum' in bed and asleep. He went back into his room to find his sister laying against his brother, on his lap. Both asleep. He crawled into his bed next to them and also fell asleep.

For they did not know, that in two years, they would need each other more then they could have ever imagined. They would experience a public tragedy, that was the death of their mother.


Believe and Admire,
Protect and Show.
Watch and Listen,
Love and Know. A brother's love
is a sister's greatest treasure. A sister's happiness
is a brother's
deepest desire.

A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this so far! This has been my favorite story to write and I'm completely loving it! I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has ideas. Just leave a comment with your idea and feedback!


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