E I G H T (Part 2)

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2004 (Ages: Alice-17 Harry-19 William-22) {Alice's P.O.V}


The charity was one that my mother was a patron of. They asked if we could throw a party of a group of people that have done a lot to help the company. Of course we said yes. At the party from my family was William, Harry, and I. We walked around and meet people until it finally came time for the founder of the charity to give a speech and show a video. We were standing on the right side of the room towards the back corner. The woman got up on a stage and started talking, the topic was slowly brought to how my mom helped. As she started talking about her meeting with her, I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and I was very dizzy.


"What's going on!" William yelled concerned. His eyes going from Harry back to me and then back to Harry again.

"I think she is having a panic attack. Can you go and find some water for her?" Harry asks William and he nods and runs off to find some.

"Alice, look at me. I need you to breath, okay? In and out, in and out. Good, keep doing that." Harry gives me a reassuring smile. "Everything's okay."

I finally start to catch my breath and start to become scared of what just happened. I start to cry and Harry quickly pulls me into a hug.

"I felt...." I said and gasped for air. "....like I was going to pass out or die." Harry tells me that I was fine and am not going to die with a little laugh at the end. William comes running back with a glass of water and crouches down to me.

"You okay?" Wills asks me as he lightly rubs my shoulder. One of the palace officials came out to find us.

"What are you guys doing? You have a room full of people in there! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Is everything alright? Do we need a medic?" The girl asked concerned.

"I just need a few minutes." I responded, out of breath and with heavy eyelids.

"Okay, that's fine. If you need anything, come and get me." She smiled and I nodded back to her and she walked off.

"What happened in there, Al?" Harry asked me. I am still a little out of breath but think of a way to explain it.

"I don't know, once they started talking about mum'," I paused for a second and bit my lip trying to hold back tears. "My chest felt like it tightened up, I got really dizzy and couldn't breathe. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I got really hot. I'm sorry." I said while a few tears escaped. "I miss her."

Harry quickly pulls me into a hug while William rubs my back and I start sobbing. The only thing that is going through my mind is 'why did this happen?' I pulled back from the hug and look at Harry.

"What is wrong with me? Why did that happen?" I manage to say whilst in the middle of sobs.

"I'm pretty sure you had a panic attack," Harry tells me as he squeezes my left shoulder. "Nothing is wrong with you. My guess is it came on from hearing them talk about mom while you still haven't really dealt with it or talked about it. The only way this can get better is for us to talk about everything, okay? We don't have to do anything today but we should soon." Harry told me. I just nodded back at him with my eyes closed, getting extremely tired from what just happened.

"How're you feeling?" William asked me as he sat down next to me against the wall.

"Tired, very tired." I manage to say while I put my head on Wills shoulder. My eyes are closed and I yawn.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Harry said and laughed. "She is practically asleep and probably mental drained! Plus there is a room full of people in there" Now, William laughed.

"Alice," William whispered. "Al, are you actually asleep?" They got no reply and they both laughed again. They wonder weather or not they should wake me up so we can return to the event or just tell the palace officials that I wasn't feeling well and went to bed. They chose the second option.

"I'll start bringing her to her room, do you want to tell someone that you and I will be right back?" William asked Harry.

"Sure, I'll meet you in a minute." He smiled and headed back to the room where the party was going on.

William picked me up and started to carry me towards the stairs. I started to stir in his arms and woke up for a second.

"Mmmh?" I mumbled to William while not fulling awake with my eyes still closed not wanting to see the bright lights.

"Hey, go back to sleep." Wills told me. I decided not to argue with my brother and fell back asleep in his arms.

Harry just finished telling someone that William and him would be back soon. He ran over to catch up to William and I, he looked down to see me peacefully asleep in his arms.


A/N: Hey everyone! I've been thinking recently about my other story,'Through The Woods', and was wondering if you wanted me to continue with it or just focus on this story? Hope you enjoyed Part 2!

Also, this story hit #1 in the ranking for PrincessDiana! Thank you!

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