E I G H T (Part 1)

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2004 (Ages: Alice-17 Harry-19 William-22) {Alice's P.O.V}

I'm going to skip ahead to 2004, to when I was 17. My brother, William, had a fairly new girlfriend, her name was Catherine. They started dating last year and met at college. I really like her, it's nice to have another girl around finally. She would later become a very important part of helping me cope with my mothers death, because I never really dealt with it at the time. I cried, but I never talked about it. The thought of my mother always brought tears to my eyes. I tried to avoid talking about her as much I could since her death.

The weeks that came right after my mums' passing were very uneventful. I spent most of two weeks just laying in my bed, and refused to say anything to anyone, even my brothers. Even after those two weeks, I didn't to talk about her and her untimely death. If it came up in a conversation, I would simply excuse myself and go somewhere else. It worked great, until one charity party at Buckingham Palace in 2004.


The charity was one that my mother was a patron of. They asked if we could throw a party for a group of people that have done a lot to help the company, of course we said yes. At the party, from my family was William, Harry, and I. We walked around and meet people until it finally came time for the founder of the charity to give a speech and show a video. We were standing on the right side of the room towards the back corner. The woman got up on a stage and started talking, the topic was slowly brought to how my mom helped. As she started talking about her meeting with her, I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and I was very dizzy.

"William?" I say as I gasp for breath. William just whispers that I shouldn't be talking right now and to talk to him after the speech is over.

"Harry?" I turn to him and ask him as I'm breathing heavily.

"Is everything all right? You look quite pale." He asked in a concerned voice as he examines my face.

"I can't breath, I have to get out of here." I whisper to him as tears start to fill my eyes. He looks at William and tells him we'll be right back and he gives us a dirty look, that makes him look like he is meaning 'This isn't a good time for games'. Harry puts his hand on my back and walks me to the nearest door.

As soon as we got out of the door he brings me to a wall and I immediately start to slide down it. Harry grabs me before I crash on the ground and he sets me down gently.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Al, look at me. Focus on what I'm saying." He says in a caring voice as he is holding on to my arms. At that moment, William walks out of the room and spots us and runs over in a hurry once he sees us.

"What's going on!" He yelled concerned. His eyes going from Harry back to me and then back to Harry again.

"I think she is having a panic attack. Can you go and find some water for her?" Harry asks William and he nods and runs off to find some.


A/N: This is my first time breaking up a chapter. I didn't want to do a very long chapter, but the second part will be about double the size of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

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