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September, 1989- Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire Scotland

Diana sat at her desk that was placed right in front of the window, working on some paperwork for charities that she was a patron of. Charles was currently outside shooting with the men in the family.

William sat against the wall in the same room of Diana with his brother next to him and his ten month old sister on his lap. William thought he would read a book to them while his mum' worked. Diana would often take breaks from working to just watch all of her children sitting and playing with each other.

As William was reading, Alice managed to wiggle off of his lap and onto the red, patterned rug that was beneath them. Harry looked over at his sister and saw she was standing while using her hands against the wall to help her stay standing upright.

"Mummy!" Harry called Diana and pointed to his sister. It made his brother look to his left and see his sister standing with a smile on his face.

Diana's face quickly light up with a smile when she saw her little girl standing there. She had an idea pop into her had and sat up from her chair and walked over to her but left a foot of space between them.

"Harry, can you walk around me to the other side of Alice?" She asked her son. "William, you do the same but on this side. I'm going to see if we can get her to take a few steps. If she starts to fall, try and catch her, okay?" Both of her sons smiled at her and nodded. They were excited to see what was going to happen next.

"Alice." She looked at her mom. "Can you come over to me?" Diana asked a few more times before her daughter registered what she meant.

With a smile on her face, Alice took two steps before falling over and Wills grabbing her. They all started clapping while Alice was laughing a bit.

"What did I miss?" Charles asked as he stepped through the doorway to see Diana knelled down on the ground while his daughter was in William's arms and Harry was right next to them.

"Sissy walked!" Harry yelled with a smile on his face.

"Well kind of, she took two steps." William added to what Harry said.

"I missed it?" Charles asked Diana. Diana was scared that she was going to get yelled at, so she made sure she picked her words very carefully.

"She just did it." She shrugged. "Harry saw her standing up and then she took a few steps. I'm sure she is going to do it again soon."

"Oh, okay." Charles said a little hurt and disappointed in himself for missing her first steps. "I'm going to go shower." He said and walked off.

They all turned their attention back on Alice and talked for a bit before Diana went back to work and William went back to reading, which eventually lead Alice into a deep sleep.

Diana enjoyed seeing all of her children happy together, it made her happy and forget everything else that was going on in her life. But what only a few people knew, she was struggling with many things. She wanted her voice to be heard, and that gave her an idea, but it had to be top secret. For this plan, was going to expose the monarchy.

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