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November, 2011 (Ages: Alice-25 Harry-27 William-30) Alices P.O.V 

After the long period of wedding fever all around the world, William thought it would be fun if he took Catherine, Harry, and I to a ski resort in Switzerland that we went to when we were kids. At first I was reluctant because it was the middle of November and freezing outside, but I decided I would go and try to enjoy myself.

After an hour and a half, we arrived and checked into our suite at the hotel. As we were talking and walking to the ski lodge, I fell face first into the cold, hard ground. At first, it took me a second to realize that I tripped on a crack in the concrete floor and had hit my head pretty hard and was lucky I didn't get knocked out. When I roll over on my back and open my eyes, I can see my brothers and now sister-in-law crouched around me looking concerned.

"Are you alright?" William said as he spoke in a quiet, comforting tone. I pulled my hand to my forehead and start rubbing it. "Catherine, can you go see where the protection officers are?"

"No!" I yelled as Harry is sitting on the floor next to me, looking worried by the blood that was starting to appear on the left side of my forehead. "I'm fine." I continued.

"You're not fine!" stated Harry in an uneasy tone. William, being apart of the RAF search and rescue force, then decided to start using his medical knowledge, and asked him if he had anything with him that he could use to put pressure on the now, very bloody wound.

As Harry was shuffling through his things, I started to feel very tired and dizzy. William looked at me and could tell I was fading. Harry handed him an old t-shirt he found and William applied it to my head. As I was starting to black out from the blood loss, I heard footsteps running down the hall.

"Al, I need you to stay with me. Listen to my voice. It will be alright." William told me as he pressed the shirt against my forehead. At that moment, I slipped into a deep sleep filled with darkness.

"Alice! Al!" Harry shouted, saying my name even louder the second time. The protection officer radioed someone to send a doctor to the suite we are staying at. Catherine grabs Harry's hands to stop him from shaking me.

"Will she be alright?" Kate responded. "She looks pale." 

"She'll be okay, just a little rest and she will be good." William reassured her and Harry that I would be fine and we just needed to get back to the hotel room. With the protection officer on the phone with Buckingham Palace, Harry picked me up bridal style and started walking back from the way we originally came from.

He laid me down gently on a bed and went to go get water for me for when I wake up. Kate and William sat down on the bed. Catherine put her hand on Wills back to comfort him and let him know everything will be fine. The protection officer then walks in.

"I just got off the phone with palace, they said that we should try and keep this hidden from the public for as long as we can. The doctor also is here." William nodded as the security guard opens the door and hands him a contract to sign.

William and Kate walked over and Harry met up with them to greet the doctor. His name was Dr. Lindberg. Everyone walked over to me, the doctor did his thing and said that I didn't have a concussion and would be okay, and then with everyone relieved, he left. 

After about 10 minutes, I started to wake up. Harry is the first one to notice and rushes over to me immediately. He got up from the couch and rushed to the bed followed by William and Catherine.

"Hey," Harry said in a soft tone while he rubbed my arm. "How do you feel?"

It took me a minute to realize where I was and what happened. My head was pounding and the room was spinning.

"A little dizzy." I responded with a little laugh that made my head wrench in pain. My hand immediately shoots up to my head and I start to rub it. I looked at the clock and noticed it was seven o'clock. I asked them why they weren't out skiing and they just laughed it off and told me the whole story of me hitting my head on the ground. I told them we should go out and they gave me this uneasy look that made it so you could tell what was going on in their minds.

"Yeah, right. Like your going to go skiing after that fall." William told me. Harry grinned at him.

"William's right," Kate told me. "You should probably get some rest, Alice"

I didn't think they were understanding what I meant. I knew that I was in no condition to ski on the slopes, so I pitched my idea to them.

"That's not what I mean. I just wanted to go sit in the ski lodge and read or something. You guys should still be able to go out and enjoy your holiday."

They all agreed that I could go sit in the ski lodge, if I promised to not move and call them if I needed anything or ask the protection officer. I got up to move and as soon as I stood up, I was hit by a sudden wave of dizziness. I immediately start to fall forward and William caught me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? You look very pale." William asked me.

I reassured him that I was fine and we headed to the chalet. Catherine fixed up a spot for me on a couch near one of the fire places, but not to close, she didn't want me to get hot and get a fever. Harry grabbed my book and set it next to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder and asked if I was sure that I was okay.

"I'll be fine, Dan (The protection officer) is right there if anything happens...and nothing will happen." I smiled and William grinned back.

They said goodbye and walked off to the mountains. I sat there reading my book and next thing I knew, two hours had gone by. My book was finished and Dan was sitting on the other side of the room on his computer. I still had a headache and you could still see the wound on my forehead. I looked back to the window and looked outside. It was dark, but the bright lights on the mountain lit in up, it was beautiful. I heard footsteps come up behind me and then someone talk.

"Is anyone sitting here?" He asked.


AN: Finally an update! It's been a few months, and since then my writing has improved immensely! This is currently something that I had written a year or so ago, same with the next few chapters. This is one of the longest chapters I have ever written and it does contain about another two parts, but I wanted to break it up so it wouldn't be too long. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm super excited to start writing again. (the new stuff will be a lot better but we just have to get through the next couple chapters, so work with me please haha)

Thanks for sticking with the story, I appreciate it. The love interest is being introduced next chapter!!! I'm looking forward for you to meet him!

-M xx

(1304 words)

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