My Response...

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I have recently been called out for plagiarism. I do not wish to call out the person, but I wanted to address it. I, in no way intended for are stories to start out the same with a child being born *rolls eyes*. I was not familiar with her story and in no way wanted to copy anyone. My story has been written since 2016 and I am just now publishing it. 

I chose the name Alice for all my stories because of the historical royal back round it has had with it being the Duke of Edinburgh's mom and the name of Queen Victoria's third child. I have already made a plan for my story to lead into and I was up for sharing it with this person but I have lost trust when she "called me out" on her page. I wished that this could have been handled more maturely but unfortunately this was not the action taken by the other person. I will continue to lead my story to present time and hope to update and get the reaction from the fight that has gone on between Alice and Camilla in 2004.

I would also like to point out the fact that I have tried to reach out to the author but she has muted my conversation with her so we are no longer in contact. I really wanted to figure this out but have no way to continue. Thanks for your support.

xoxo -M

(I have sent her a few messages but this a part of the last one that I had sent.)

'I in no way wanted/want to copy your work. There is a reason behind every detail in my story. I have it planned out to the end. I never meant for are story lines to be similar in the beginning but pretty much all of the stories about Princess Diana having a daughter start the same and build their own path. If you continue your story, I know that they will not end up the same. I would've been open to telling you my plan but I can no longer trust that you won't post it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.'

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