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Ok, so this is our first insight into the past. Yay!

Record 1.

"The date is October 10th, 2014 and I'm 2 months into the pregnancy. It's been one month and 3 weeks since I ran away from home and 2 months since he left.....[silence].... I've never recorded myself, but an old lady told me that it might help if I had a pregnancy log of some sort.... before I stole her bag [laughs] then she cursed at me like a sailor.

Thankfully, she didn't call the cops and let me get away. Thank my Lucky Charms because I wouldn't know what to do in jail while pregnant. It would be a hell of a story to tell my little bun, though. [ shuffling]

It took me a month to finally accept that I had a life growing inside me because I couldn't grasp that.... I was going to have a baby at 21. I thought of getting rid of it for a long time, but in the end I just couldn't. They were a piece of someone I came close to loving.

I was just so scared and so.....hurt. I didn't know if I could take care of myself, much less a little innocent baby. Guess I should talk about how the hell I got pregnant, right? It's a really long story and kind of dumb, you could say.

His name is Jeon Jungkook. God, how I hate the sound of his name now. I still can't believe that bastard lied to me, I honestly trusted him. [scoffs] It's my fault for letting him charm me, though.

I just couldn't contain myself, he was a face I've never seen around and that drew me in. He looked like he fell from the sky. He was so princely and so....innocent? [laughs] He's anything but that. I think it was because he was 18 that he looked that way. So, it caught me off guard that he acted that way too.

At first, he was only supposed to be a summer fling, but it got too serious at the end. He told me he genuinely liked me and I called bullshit on it every time he said that. Because no one treated me like that.

To be honest, I thought he could be the one to break me out of the prison I called my life, but he......just left. It was my fault as much as it was his, since I didn't want to open my heart up to him and he was [sigh] holding something back.

He ended up hurting me more than 'saving' me. [ sniffling] I was so dumb. [more sniffling] He was so different and I wanted to believe everything he said, but I knew it wouldn't last forever.

[ hiccups] I miss you...."

[ banging] " Jimin! Get out of there, you're needed in 5 minutes!"

"Shit." [ crackling]

"This was Park Jimin. Entry 1." ——


"Jimin! Stop, or I'm telling your father! Jimin!" The tall Alpha chases after the fuming Omega desperately.

"Go tell him for all I care!" Jimin says, sounding angry and a bit hysterical.

Jimin continues to stomp off with a slight limp and hisses as he licks the raw cut on his lip. He knew Jungho was getting possessive, but he didn't know that he'd hit him for flirting a little.

Jimin got cut off from his thoughts when he was flinged back into a hard body, making him wince from the impact. This bastard.

"Okay, I won't tell your father if you forgive me. Please?" Jungho threatened into his ear and held on more tightly to his waist.

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