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This picture has me in my feelings. I'm honestly feeling insecure about my book lol. Idk why, maybe it's because it's getting lots of views? But I know I'll still have some of you ❤️

And if you're having a hard time, I'll say what my lit teacher always says to me, "Hang in there, baby girl."

Ps. Wonho stars as the bodyguard 😍

When Jimin and Jihyun walked out of their front door the next morning, they didn't expect to see a clump of burly uniformed men already waiting outside for them.

"Look, Appa! It's the big men from before." Jihyun jumped in excitement and pointed obnoxiously at the closest one.

His father dropped his hand from the doorknob and brought it up to rub his temples. The three bodyguards stared attentively at him, almost like puppies.

He looked up at them with guarded eyes. "May I ask why you gentlemen are here?"

The most muscular of the three stepped up. His handsome features and prominent nose made him stick out like a sore thumb next to the rest.

He passed him a white, crisp envelope. "From Mr. Jeon."

Jimin took it and began to read it while being jerked forward by Jihyun's persistent need to reach out for the bodyguards belt, where a walkie-talkie hid.

Dear my beautiful fiance,

I've put Wonho, the guy who will give you the letter, in charge of your personal protection team. I wanted to put five more but Namjoon said I was being too excessive and scolded me.

The Omega snorted, already imagining Jungkook's whiny voice.

You cannot refuse this, Jimin. You are now the center of the public eye, so let the bodyguards protect you and Jihyun, and quit being stubborn. Two guards will be stationed outside of Jihyuns daycare, no excuses.

See you real soon... .

With love, your hot fiancé

He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it at a nearby trash can. Jihyun stopped pulling when Jimin turned his head down at him with a warning look.

The small boy fell back into Jimin's side with an apologetic little smile.

"Alright boys, lead me to my chariot." Jimin sighed out, already done with the day before it had even started.

"This way." Wonho's silky voice directioned him to the black car across the shaggy old apartment complex.

When they walked away from his safe home, Jimin was hit with some enthralled gazes from the many people on the streets. The man in his work attire felt self-conscious as he sped walked to the car.

As Wonho opened the door for them, some girls with high school uniforms beside the car gasped and squealed with excitement as they saw him waiting for a struggling Jihyun to put his seatbelt on.

"You need help, baby?" Jimin asked anxiously, watching how Jihyun couldn't reach to click it in.

"No, I've got it!" Jihyun declined his offer stubbornly.

"You sound like your Papa." Jimin giggled as Jihyun whipped his head around with a delighted grin.

"Really?! Do you think I'll look like him when I'm bigger?" He exclaimed with eyes as wide as saucers.

The adult's laugh rang around them uncontrollably, causing the bodyguard in the driver's seat to turn around in alarm.

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