
11.9K 649 43

......Sorry for making excuses but this is a real excuse okay lol. I was at a funeral in Florida and I was so sick of being in a car for six hours, that I had a headache for most the time. God bless my late uncle.


   The alluring young man with half lidded eyes and full lips sat at the edge of the dock, casually leaning against the wooden pole while gracefully flipping through a book. He saw small ripples in the water coming towards him, but he didn't react.

   As the ripples suddenly stopped below him, he rose a dark eyebrow behind his book. All of a sudden, muscular arms darted out of the water and latched onto one of his feet, but the alluring man's reflexes were faster.

He kicked the attacker right on his big nose.

"Ouch! Hyung!" Jungkook groaned as he clutched his throbbing nose.

  He made exaggerated, agonizing sounds, yet Jimin didn't take his eyes off his book. Jungkook slumped in the water at the realization.

  "Hyung I think you broke my beautiful nose. I'm bleeding!" He whined and whimpered, although he wasn't.

"That's what you get, you overgrown baby." Jimin said, tone bored and unconcerned as he flipped a page.

    Jungkook frowned and swam close to his legs again. His fingers crawled up Jimin's slender legs and grabbed onto the fat of his thighs.

"You're such a mean, mean boy, hyung." Jungkook smirked and squeezed his thighs again, nose blooming red at the tip.

"Jungkook." Jimin warned, and finally looked up from his book to meet Jungkook's mischievous eyes.

"Uhg, hyung. Why don't you ever want to swim deeper into the ocean. It's always me playing by myself." He pouted, but his face was scarily serious.

Jimin stared at him for a long minute before sighing and putting down his book when Jungkook kept staring at him with those eyes.

  Blank eyes the color of his grandpa's old piano, looking at him so intensely that not even if the world was ending, would Jimin look away.

  "Why, hyung?" His grip on his thighs became loose and gentle.

  Jimin barely knew this boy, but he felt like he could tell him all his secrets. Well, almost all of them.

  He looked down at the rippling water around Jungkook's small waist and saw his reflection staring back.

"I'm afraid if I go in too deep, I'd lose myself and drown." His voice was so low that Jungkook could barely hear him over the waves.

Jimin's face was sullen and blank as he talked. His eyes dull and focused on the deep blue water. His eyes looked glassy and....dull, like a dolls. A doll that isn't supposed to be touched or played with, but a doll that's supposed to be locked in a glass display for everyone to look at.

  Jungkook's frown deepened. "You can go in the water with me. I'll never let you lose yourself. I won't let go." He stretched out his hand to him urgently. Urgently like he was already losing him.

  The other seemed to snap out of his trance at his words, because he looked up and smiled faintly.

"I'm tired, Bunny. Sing for me?" This time, Jimin was the one who stretched out the hand.

  Jungkook stopped massaging his legs, but didn't grab his hand. Instead, he lifted himself up on the dock with ease and ran a veiny hand through his shiny wet hair.

  Jimin looked at him, looked at his body. The way the water glistened all over his bare skin, and the way the water ran through the curves and bumps of his physique. Jungkook was a fine specimen, and he was Jimins. At least for a while.

"What song?"

"Huh?" He snapped his head up to his face.

"What song do you want me to sing?" He grinned, probably because he caught him ogling him.

But Jimin is far from being the bashful one. He stood up and without warning, plopped himself on Jungkook's wet lap.

  "Jimin, I'm wet." Jungkook said in surprise but grabbed onto his waist.

  He snuggled into him like a cat. " I don't care."

The Alpha snorted and pushed Jimin's head back into the crook of his neck. "You're more clingier than usual."

  "Shut up and sing."

"You still haven't told me what song." Jungkook threw him one of his rare toothy smiles and cradled him closer to his chest.

Jimin tapped his chin. "Hm, oh! That song you sang last time. You know, the one from that one drama you like?"

Jungkook's eyes widen and he shushed him while looking around. "Shh, I told you I only watched that because I was bored."

"Mhmm." Jimin nodded innocently.

"Do you want me to sing or not?"

"Yes! Please." He pleaded desperately and gave a big wet smooch on Jungkook's nose.

"Okay." He scrunched his nose and began to sing.

"Through the endless daydream
I saw you on the way back
There I walk with you in my arms..."

  Jungkook really was an angel, because all Jimin could hear was an angel singing. He was his safe haven, he was an angel, he was too good for Jimin.

But Jimin pushed all thoughts away and let his voice lull him into a deep, deep sleep.

"By and by I'll miss you
Your laugh like a sunshine
Fading into shadows of tears..."



Jimin woke up startled for the second time in Jungkook's lavish penthouse. He could tell it was his just by the scent of the covers on him, though that sounded creepy.

  Wonder if what he dreamt was a dream or a memory?

I LOVE THIS SONG AND THE DRAMA. Well, this was suppose to be short and sweet, but it turned more like bittersweet.

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