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Prince Jeon is hot. Bruh, I'm really sorry for kind of, sort of placing this at the bottom of my to-do list. It was a hectic week with hurricane Florence and all.

The first thing Jimin said when he walked through the door was, "We need to have a family meeting, call Jin."

Taehyung's spoon stopped in mid-air and Jihyun fell from his handstand. This was Jimin's precious family and it was time to tell them the truth before everything went to shit.

"Appa! Ouch!" Jihyun cried from his spot on the floor.

"Let's do it after I watch Anpanman." Taehyung grumbled from the couch, still in his silky pajamas from this morning.

Jimin didn't appreciate his family's lack of cooperation. "Yah! Kim Taehyung, get your lazy bum off my couch and go call Jin. And you Park Jihyun, go clean your room!"

"Yes, Jimin-ah." "Yes, Appa." They mumbled in unison.

When Jin finally did show up, he looked flushed and he stank of sex. Jimin glared at him from the side of the door.

"Don't glare at me, I'm still older." Jin snapped as he stalked to the couch were Taehyung was sitting.

The younger Omega sighed and shook his head. Good thing he sent Jihyun to clean his room, he did not need him to hear what was about to be spoken.

"You're such a slut." Taehyung snickered as he put his legs up on Jins lap.

"Look who's talking, Mr. 'Sex All Day and Night'." Jin growled and threw Taehyung's legs off his lap.

"Stop saying slut, there's still a kid in the house. Anyways, I've called you guys here to make an important announcement." Jimin paced back and forth in long, nervous strides.

Both of his friends looked at him in concern. Jin elegantly put one leg on top of the other and looked at him attentively. Taehyung rose his beautiful arched eyebrows at him in impatience.

"Jimin, are people still coming to look for you? You know I'll send them flying to the ground if they are." Taehyung said with a dark look starting to overcast his usually bright face.

"No, no, it's just....shocking." Jimin murmured as he stopped in front of them.

There was a long silence that stretched out for what seemed like hours as Jimin tried to carefully phrase what he was about to say next.

"Oh, cut the crap already and spit it out!" Jin exclaimed as he saw Jimin starting to bite his lips nervously.

"I think I'm getting married." Nicely phrased, Jimin.

Their eyes almost fell out of their sockets at the statement, and of course, all hell broke loose.

"What the hell, Park Jimin!"

"You haven't even dated for the last 3 years! How the fuck are you getting married?!"

"Is someone forcing you? Where is he, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

"What about Jihyun?! You just can't get married all of the sudden!"

"Shut up!" Jimin yelled over their loud questions and accusations.

They both reluctantly became quiet. Jin burned holes into the floor as he waited for his explanation. Taehyung, being the more emotional of the two, scoffed in disbelief and got up to walk over to the window.

"Look, I'll tell you everything, just, calm down."

And so, Jimin told them everything about Jungkook. From the summer they first met to the current situation. To say the least, it was a long story.

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