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Greetings readers. Me, the author of Replica of  You have been trying not to fail the first month of school hence my very late update.

Bro, I'm barely making it through my senior year. Jesus help me. Anyways, I love the support everyone has been giving me! Please continue giving me more love. I need it.

   A tear spilled.

It came from shocked coffee-colored eyes and rolled down soft, golden skin.

  Jaewon's overjoyed expression morphed to one of exaggerated pity. His bottom lip popped out as he mocked Jimin.

"Aw, Jiminnie! You really thought he was dead?" The Alpha laughed, vicious smile back on. "It was so hard faking his death but it was so worth it watching you crawl back into my arms!"

  Jimin couldn't believe there were vile people such as the person in front of him. His father came second on that list, barely, but Jaewon... he would always take first place.

  His clenched fist shook with anger. "You sick bastard. Don't you dare say his name out of your dirty mouth!"

Jaewon continued smiling. He moved his body closer to Jungkooks and pressed the muzzle hard into his cheek.

  Jimin immediately felt himself become lax. His fiancé had not flinched the entire time, he only stared at him desperately.

  "If Jung Hoseok is dead, would you be able to hear his voice?" The long-haired man pulled out a flip phone from his blazer pocket and pressed a button.

  The Omega swallowed harshly and listened as someone's muffled voice answered. It sounded scared, petrified even.

It can't be Jimin. He is just playing with you.

"You're on speakerphone Baby." The devil sweetly crooned, pressing another button and outstretching the device to Jimin.

  "Jimin? A-Are you really okay?"

That voice, brittle by thirst but still as velvety as before made Jimin shudder. That was his dead friend.

He couldn't contain the heavy tears any longer. "Hobi? Hyung?!"

"Oh Jimin! D-Don't worry, Jihyuns with me, away from whatever he plans to do." His hyungs words brought more comfort and reassurance then he had ever felt.

Jimin glared at Jaewon sitting perfectly fine and grinning menacingly while Hoseok sounded like he was on the brink of losing his wits.

"Hyung listen to me. Whatever he did to you is garbage and he is a piece of shit that should burn in Hell for all the bullshit that he made you go through. But please-please." Jimins harsh and commanding voice cracked as he pictured Jihyun scared and shaking. "Keep my baby safe until I come to get him."

  There was an intake of breath, then a cry. "Do as he says, I beg of you Jimin! He has my mom on life support in the hospital and said he w-will pull the plug if I didn't do what he said. Please." Hoseok uttered through sobs of pain and agony.

Jimin saw red. How? How could a person be so horrible?

His tearful eyes narrowed as he saw him for what he truly was: a black soul.

The Omega gripped the phone tighter, the distraught cries of his hyung still echoing into his ear.

"Jung Hoseok. Take care of my Jihyun." Without waiting for a reply, Jimin slammed the flip phone shut and threw it onto the glass table.

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