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OK, first off, sorry for not updating sooner. My only excuse is school and the excitement of the album. Talking about the album, I am sooo shocked and blessed. IDOL is a damn bop and I can't wait for my album tomorrow.
~Mer Bear Care Bear

     "Appa, do I have a mommy?" Jihyun asked as he  lifted his head off from Jimin's chest and looked at him with deep, intense eyes.

  Jimin stilled the hammock he was calmly moving side to side and mentally cursed.

  Dammit, Jihyun. Why do you gotta ask me such a heavy question on my day off?

  He groaned and looked up at the bright pink sky. That afternoon, they went to Taehyung's house to swim in his humongous pool and go through every inch of his refrigerator. Well, that was until Taehyung banished them from the kitchen.

  In Jimin's honest opinion, that man had way to much food for one person.

  "Why do you ask, Bun?" He questioned back.

"Everyone in daycare has a mommy, well except Isaiah. He said he doesn't have a mommy or a daddy, but he has a granny." Jihyung fidgeted with his necklace and threw him a toothy smile.

"Is Isaiah your friend?" Jimin asked, beyond relieved that he had possibly made a friend.

  "Uh, no. He's just my outdoor buddy." Jihyun shrugged and then looked  like he realized something.

"Appa! Answer!" He shook Jimin's shirt as he kicked his feet up in the air in cute annoyance.

"Alright, you win." Jimin sat up more on the hammock and pulled Jihyun on his lap.

  "Baby, you don't have a mommy because you don't need one. You got Appa right here don't you? I'll be your mommy, your appa, your papa, everything! Everything! Okay?" Jimin emphasized his words and rubbed his nose against Jihyun's until his giggles decreased.

   "Yes, Appa!" He agreed loudly and squirmed out of his hold to go jump around the little playground that Taehyung especially bought for him.

  As Jimin was about to get up to join him, his ringtone blared from his left. He picked up the phone and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw it was an unknown number.

"Hello, this is Jimin," He answered.

"Jimin, I'm ready to talk. Let's meet up." Jungkook's groggy voice made its way through Jimin's ears, making him draw a big breath.

"Meet me near the Han river in 30 minutes."


Jimin presses play on the old Walkman as he jogs down the concrete stairs in a baggy sweater and sweatpants. He stops right in front of the water as the tape plays.

  Record 26

".....It's December 2nd and I'm freezing my dick off.." Jimin rolls his eyes at his exaggeration.

  "I swear if it gets any colder I'm going to stuff myself in a heating oven. Goddammit, it's so cold!"

  He cringes as he hears his voice pitch up with annoyance and leans his body against the railings. He stares into the dark blue water as he listens to the tape.

  "...My bump has grown larger since the last update, but that asshole doctor said that it was normal and I should just stop eating the toxic waste I put in my body. But fuck him, I love my chocolate covered broccoli."


  Jimin shivered and dipped his head down to look at  the fast-moving water.

".....I freaked when he told me that the baby might be an Alpha because of my rapidly growing stomach....I was so scared that I...I-I almost did something really....bad. *sniff* I'm sorry baby." Jimin bit his lip as he heard himself cry. They were ear-piercing, heartbreaking wails that made him just as emotional as he felt then.

"Jimin-ah." He turned his head to the voice and saw Jungkook's sad eyes. Those sad, sad, soulful eyes.

  Jimin paused his Walkman and took off his headphones. He faced Jungkook with puffy eyes and red cheeks, and offered him a half smile. As Jimin looked him over, he noticed dark bags under his usually bright eyes and pale lips replaced his usually rosy ones.

  He frowned.

"Jungkook." He said softly, not really wanting to get to the point just yet.

Jungkook had other plans, though.

  "Jimin, I need to be with him. I-l can't even imagine how you've felt all this time, but I need him with me. His my son before he's my heir, before he's an Alpha, and before he is rich. His my son and I need him as much as he needs me." Jungkook ended with a desperate voice.

  He leaned in to Jimin and looked down at him with such a wounded and sad expression, that it made him falter. Just a bit.

  "Jungkook, calm your ass down. I'm not planning on keeping him away from you." He crossed his arms and leaned his side onto the railing while looking at Jungkook in concern.

Jimin knew he sounded like an insensitive ass, but it's the only defense he knows. A hard wall built up by time and hurt, Jungkook knows it too well. He's been trying to break it down since day one.

That's why he has many secrets, ones that even Taehyung doesn't know.

"I know that Jimin, I know because I'd make it hell if you did." Jungkook gave him a dark look that made Jimin narrow his eyes.

"I'd make it ten times that hell." Jimin said callously, not one bit scared of Jungkook's darkening amber eyes or the small scowl that has started to form.

  "...You're still the same brat as ever, I see." Jungkook casted him a lazy smile and leaned against the railings with him.

Jimin scoffed. "Sure, I was the brat." He said sarcastically, though it was entirely true.

  Jimin annoyed Jungkook more than the other way around almost all of the time.

  They stood in silence, just letting the gravity of their situation weigh down on them and sink in. They were so dumb and young.

Together, they stood in silence, watching the current of the river rush past them. It might as well have been called the river of unshed tears and pretty lies.

Then, Jungkook broke the silence with an earth shattering question.

"Jimin, marry me."

Ohhhh shiizzz. Fun fact I woke up at 4:20 a.m. without an alarm and stayed up until IDOL was released and didn't go back to sleep until 6 lmao.


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