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   Hello from Cali.  How are you guys?

  It took me the whole day to write this because of course I had to do this at the last minute.

  This is You're the Best by Wet.

  When the person you like is by your side... it feels like you might blow up with joy. It makes your cheeks heat up when they look at you, when they hold your hand and give you all their attention.

That's if you ignore your rapid heartbeat and your utter embarrassment.

  Like Jimin right now, as Jungkook forced him on his lap in the photo booth. He felt like he might die in his arms.

  "Jungkook, why the hell cant I just sit like a normal person beside you!" Jimin growled as he struggled to get out of his chains that were his fiance's arms.

At these words, Jungkook tightened his vice grip on the smaller, making Jimin stop his squirming. "Hyung. This is what couples do, plus I don't have one single photo of us. You know how bad that is when I can't see your cute face?"

   The Omega rolled his eyes as he smelled the cheesiness rolling off from him. He was dragged on this date that he didn't want to go on and his date is clinging onto him like it was the last day he was ever gonna see him.

   "I hate taking my picture." Jimin grumbled in protest, trying to wiggle away from the touchy Alpha once again.

  Jungkook growled at him like he did in the coffee shop, making Jimin stop his movements and whip his head around. "Stop growling like a pup, Jungkook. Or else I'll have to hit you like one." He scolded him like he was talking to Jihyun.

  The other man gave him a brooding look. "Then stop moving before I get horny and then, maybe, I'll stop growling."

  Jimin gasped in surprise and blushed furiously at the Alpha's suggestive words.

  Goddammit I sound like a prude.

  It's true that he hadn't had sex in the last 2 years since... then, but that didn't mean he had to act like a bashful schoolgirl.

     "L-let's just take the fucking picture." He stuttered and moved to push the button on the screen.

   Jungkook pressed his cheek against Jimin's and made a peace sign at the camera. The latter looked straight to the lens with a dull look, not even a small smile could be seen.



   The light blinded Jimin, making him blink at the exact time the picture was taken. He groaned in anguish.

"Hyung hurry up and smile, then maybe they won't come out so ugly." Jungkook said harshly from the side of his permanent, perfect smile.


   "Why you little-" Jimin turned and scowled at him darkly.


  Jungkook, in turn, scowled right back and roughly turned Jimin's face back toward the camera. "Jimin, I swear if we don't get this picture right I'm gonna-"

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