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   I'm so sorrry this is kind of really late. I was really sick and just felt awful, and since I usually write this at night, I haven't been doing it. I sleep a whole lot when I'm sick, that once my mom couldn't wake me up and she thought I had died or something 🤣


   Jimin didn't know know how he ended up at the most luxurious building in Soul, but he did know that there was someone up there, probably on the top floor, expecting his arrival with a wine glass in his stupidly large hands.

He sighed and readjusted his watch.

7:00 on the dot.

  Jimin walked up to the cute receptionist that had been smiling nonstop ever since he walked into the revolving doors and frowned slightly.

"How may I help you, Sir?" The bubbly receptionist greeted him kindly as he rested his hands on top of the counter.

"I came to see Mr. Jeon, please." Jimin said softly as he fiddled with his ring and wondered his eyes up the huge, hovering chandelier and large paintings.

  The receptionist smile faltered a bit, but only for a split second. "Mr. Park?"

"Um..yeah..ehem... I mean yes," Jimin made his voice more stronger and nodded his head in confirmation.

  He was slightly intimidated by her sharp, red nails and flawless skin, not to forget those perfectly straight pearly whites. He felt like she shouldn't smile if she didn't want to. It's not very enjoyable to look at a fake smile, Jimin knows how much it pains to deceive.

  "Ah, of course. He is on floor 29." She looked up from her computer, and gave him a smile with teeth.

  It looked like shark teeth to Jimin.

He smiled back, also showing his.

"Thank you, Ma'am." He said in the same sticky sweet voice that she greeted him with.

  Before she could say anything back, Jimin briskly moved towards the elevator and smashed the button to the 29th floor.
  That receptionist is kind of creepy, Jimin thought as the annoying elevator music started to flow out of the speakers.

  As he waited for the elevator to reach the top floor, he looked at his screen saver and hummed a lullaby.

  He was back to when he was five, when his grandma sang him to sleep instead of his mother. She rocked him to sleep on her rocking chair and caressed his round cheeks.

  She told him stories of angels, stories of the ancient wolves and sometimes, she'd tell him stories about her life.

  When the elevator finally stopped, Jimin was able to escape the memories of his sad life and look up.

  What he saw made him breathless.

  Everything was sleek and perfect, like no one lived there and it was just a display for the onlookers to view.

View how perfect everything was supposed to be, unrealistically so.

  Jungkook sat on the leather black couch, elbows on his knees and with a smile that made Jimin narrow his eyes.

Does he ever not wear a suit?

  "Jimin-ah," He stood and addressed him with the most arrogant smirk.

  Jimin straightened his back and looked away from him, "Jungkook."

  The Alpha finally gave him a gentle smile. The smile that Jimin knew best. "Come, sit down."

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