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How was everyone's thanks giving? Mine was hella good, I slept for like 12 hours.

Anywho, this is going to be long and we finally meet Namjoon!

Jungkook hurried up the stairs and into his room where Jihyun was sprawled out on the bed.

He chuckled at the cute sight and slowly made his way to him. Putting Jimin's clothes onto the side of the bed, the heir brought the covers back up to his son's chin and kissed his temple.

Jungkook looked back up to the terrace door, which was wide opened.

Alarm bells rang in his head and got louder when he didn't see Jimin, instead he saw his wine cabinet wide opened and wine bottles uncapped along his counter.

He jumped off the bed and rushed out to the terrace. "Jimin?!"

The tall Alpha spotted him with a bottle of red wine in one hand as he slumped over the railings, singing off-key to a familiar Taeyang song. ( Eyes, Nose, Lips because I like)

Jungkook walked briskly over to him and pulled him into his chest roughly, turning him around and glaring him down. With Alpha strength, he ripped the bottle from his hands and slammed it on a nearby table.

In response, the drunk Omega grumbled inaudible words and started to tug on his arm weakly.

"Jimin, what the hell is wrong with you? Go to bed now, we have to wake up early tomorrow." Jungkook tried reasoning with patience he didn't have.

Jimin continued to tug without saying anything, still croaking the song out.

Jungkook rubbed his temple and grabbed the back of Jimin's neck with a bruising grip. Their faces were close, noses touching and bodies pressed flush against each other.

"Why are you always like this? I don't know how to help you if you're always drunk when you're mad! How am I supposed to know huh?" Jungkook barked at him, keeping his hand clamped around the scruff of his neck.

The Omega held his eyes for a moment, but in the end looked away in defeat.

"Tell me, what's wrong, so I can fix it." He whispered sadly, his hand coming up to caress his cheek.

His fiancé chuckled darkly and shoved the Alpha off of him. Jungkook fell onto the patio couch in surprise as Jimin started crawling over him.

"J-Jimin, stop." Jungkook looked away from the seductive Omega dangling his head above his face.

"You said you wanted to fix it." Jimin scoffed from above him and pulled himself off. He sat beside a shocked Jungkook and looked down at his hands with glossy eyes.

Jungkook sighed and tried to ignore the blood that was rushing down south.

No, Kook, he does not need that right now.

"Come here." He gently grabbed him from the underarms and brought him in between his legs for a tight hug.

Jimin stiffened at the contact, but Jungkook refused to let go even an inch. "I've missed you so much, Jimin-ah, you have no idea." He mumbled into his neck while holding his waist fiercely.

Almost convincing Jimin that, maybe, he did suffer just as much as he did.

The smaller man let himself slump into his strong arms, feeling overwhelmed and ready to give in to Jungkook's advances. He grabbed one of Jungkook's hands and kissed his palm.

"You're wrong." I know more than anyone what it's like to miss someone so bad.

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