twenty two

142 8 2

zobeemovie: jared jared jared jared

jarad: what

zobeemovie: con and i went to dance together!!!

jarad: eait seeiuhsly

zobeemovie: yeaa

zobeemovie: sjjsj i'm sO happy

zobeemovie: it was so fun!!

zobeemovie: n like,, he was genuinely interested and actually,,,, wanted to spend time with me??

jarad: zO that's great omg??

jarad: do u think things are like,, getting better??

zobeemovie: ,,

zobeemovie: i hope so

zobeemovie: i actually really hope so??

zobeemovie: like,, it feels weird and scary but i just,,

zobeemovie: want my brother back

jarad: u absolutely will i promise

zobeemovie: :)

zobeemovie: tbanks ja

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