Chapter one ~Be a Ninja?~

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Ookami's Pov~

I opened my eyes to a world of trees. The sun shined on my pale face and I waited for the dizziness to pass. After I felt more stable I tried to stand. When I finally got to a standing position, I looked about me. I was in a forest and birds chirped here and there. The wind blew threw my long, white, hair. My electric blue eyes searched for anything useful.

I looked down at myself and found out that I was wearing a black hoodie with a black mini skirt and paper wrapped around my legs (like saskue). I felt warm and cozy in the hoodie and I started to walk in a random direction. Don't ask me what I'm doing for I have no clue.

After a while of walking I come to a village. It was strange and unknown to me. I stayed inside the trees peering out and looking into the village. People here and there walked by but didn't notice me. After it became more quiet I climbed a tree and looked up to the sky.

My name was Ookami but I didn't know anything else. I didn't know where I was from or what I was. I didn't even know where I was. I tried to remember something but it was like a block was there to block the past from my eyes. I sighed and gave up. I was looking up at the sky wondering what I was to do when I heard so something.

My muscles tensed and I quietly peered down. At first I didn't see anything, but then a group of kids came into view. There was three in the group and they all wore the same headband. Each headband had the same symbol, but I couldn't remember what it meant.

First came a boy with pale skin like me and black spiked hair. The boy was quiet and had his hands in his white pants pockets and was walking off somewhere. Then came following a girl with pink hair and a red dress. After her came another boy, but with blue eyes and yellow hair.

I watched with wonder and was scared that they would notice me, but they didn't. I sat there watching and waited to see what would happen. The pink hair girl ran to the black hair boy and called out Sasuke. The girl then asked if they could go out to eat. Saskue rejects and said that he had training to do. Then the yellow hair boy ran to the girl with a big smile on his face. "I'll go with you Sakura." Said the boy. Sakura turned mad and hit the yellow hair boy on the head. "Why would I want to go with you Naruto?!"

So I learned all their names and watched as Sakura ran to catch up with Sasuke, leaving Naruto standing there alone. I felt sorry for him and decided to meet him. After the others left I jumped down from my tree and landed beside him.

Naruto fell down with surprise and I felt even worse. "W-where did you come from?" I answer his question. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I was in the tree." I helped him back up to his feet and pointed to the tree I was sitting in.

His face was full of surprise. "And Saskue didn't hear you? Wow you must be quiet. Hi my name is Naruto, believe it" he held his hand out to shake. I glance shyly at it and shook his hand once. " And my name is Ookami. Nice to meet you."

He blushes and scratch his head nervously. "So where are you from Ookami? I haven't seen you around here before."

I frown at him. "I don't know. I woke up here and can't remember anything besides my name." Naruto's face turned from happy to sadness. "That's not good. Well maybe you can become a ninja like me!" Naruto points to his headband with pride. I giggle and nods my head. "I don't think I'll be a good ninja."

Naruto thought for a minute. Then he smiles. "Sure you can. Anyone can become a ninja if they practice hard enough. Maybe I can teach you a little." My face brighten up. "I'll love that. If it doesn't bother you." Naruto had a big smile on his face. "I'll love to teach you. First you sit down and we'll get started."

I sit down on the grass and crossed my legs. Naruto did the same, he took a breath and let it out. He seem so excited, and so did I.

"Ok first I need you to concentrate the energy within you. The energy within is called chakra. Chakra is used for ninjutsu and genjutsu. Ninjutsu is the Jutsu for the elemental power thing. Watch." Naruto stood up and made some hand movements. He shouts out "Transformation Jutsu" and he turns into a dog. He changes back and looked very pleased with himself.

"The hand movements helps you to summon your chakra and use it for the Jutsu. Genjutsu is for the mental mind. It makes you see things that isn't real. Then there is taijutsu. Taijutsu it fighting hand to hand. No weapon and no chakra needed." I listen carefully as Naruto explained the basics about becoming a ninja.

After a day of teaching he finally calls it off. The sun has left and the stars where out and about. Naruto says that we will start some Justus tomorrow for today all we did was concentrate to build up our chakra. "So do you have somewhere to stay Ookami?" Naruto blush as he says this. "Um no I don't but I'll be fine in the trees." Naruto looks upset, but he shakes it off. "Ok then see you tomorrow." He walks off to the village with a happy hop to his feet. I smile as I watch him so happy.

I climb back into the tree and was excited for tomorrow. What if I can become a ninja, I thought to myself. I'll try my hardest. I look up at the dark sky and admire the big white moon above me. I let my worried go away and felt my eyes flutter. I yawned and let them shut and I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

~I decided to stop here and go to sleep. Lol me and Ookami had the same idea. Well me and Ookami is alike in a way. Hope you enjoyed so far and I'll write more in the morning. Goodnight readers, sleep tight friendly stars.~

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