Chapter Eight~ The Chunin Exams

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Gaara's Pov~

Those eyes. Sasuke's eyes are like mine. Filled with hate and anger, even with loneliness. We will fight one day. What a fun fight that would be.

Also that Ookami, I've seen her before. I can't remember where but I'm sure of it. When I look in her eyes I see a lot of loneliness and pain. Terrible pain that comes from the heart. All the rest is a mystery.

Pain from the heart. Just like me when I was little. I never felt physical pain, but I had always felt like my heart was breaking when I was little. Now I grew to learn that there needs to be no pain in the heart. Ignore the fragile piece that was left of my broken heart.

Kankuro moves his arms behind his head and smiles. Kankuro finally blurts out. "I'm really curious about that Ookami girl. I wanna fight her."

I glance at him bored. "Why is that?"
Kankuro looked a little surprised that I said anything, but I was also curious about her and since that Sasuke didn't tell me anything except her name.

"Well Ookami means wolf and plus she seems quiet like you. She's hot also." Kankuro answers. Temari hits him in the head.

"Did you see how shaken up she was though. When I looked up in the tree to see them she was quiet but she had a faint shake. I wonder why that is." Said Temari, great now I must know who she is.

Ookami's Pov~

Well after the leave of the sand ninjas every thing was a little confusing.
It turns out that me and Sakura walked off together as Naruto and his little fans played Ninja. I have no clue where Sasuke went.

Me and Sakura was standing on a building silently. She would glance at me off and on. Gaaa I felt so bad. I know she loves Sasuke, but I also think I have feelings for him. It's sooo hard. She clears her throat ready to say something, when all of the sudden Sasuke's voice calls out.

"Sakura! come down. I want to talk to you." We both look down in surprise to see Sasuke below. Sakura blushes and jumps down. I was a little hurt that he didn't invite me, but I'm not gonna be pest and let that bother me. I sit down as I hear their foot steps fade.

I cover my face with my hands and sigh. I'm getting my hopes up. I'm so stupid. Why would he even like me anyways. I sat for the longest time ever.

I hear a whisk of cutting wind and I quickly duck. I look up in surprise to see a shuriken where my head use to be. I glance up and my eyes widen in fear.

There before me was Sasuke. He was holding three more shurikens between his fingers, ready to throw them. His eyes was different, instead of hate they show interest.

I gasp, why this. "Sasuke, what's going on." I whisper. He only smirks and throws the other shurikens at me. I dodge out of the way, but I was a little to slow from the shock. A shuriken hits me in the arm.

I wince in pain as the shuriken cuts my sleeve of my black jacket and a fresh cut appears on my pale skin. Red blood pours out of the wound and I grit my teeth.

I close my eyes and calmed myself. When I open them it seemed as if everything was now slow motion.

Sasuke throws more shurikens and I dodge them with ease. I smirk as the shurikens pass me harmlessly.

Sasuke starts to look worried when I smirk. My arms, almost automatically, reached out to the side of me. I smile as I stretch. I take a breath as my arms did the signs as if I always knew them.

"Needles of Wind!!" I shouted as needles formed from my chakra erupts out of my body with great speed. Sasuke was struck with a lot of them as he tries to dodge the almost invisible needles.

This isn't Sasuke, he wouldn't let himself get hit like that. It must be a transformation Jutsu. I flicker in front of him with great speed and fist cut him in the chin. His head snap back as I spin a low kick to his feet, knocking him down.

He couldn't keep up with my speed. I take out my kunai and hold it to his throat. His eyes was of fear as mine was rage.

"Who are you?" I breath out dangerously. "H-how did you know?" He asks with surprise.

"Because I'm not an idiot, now answer me." I say while pushing the tip of the kunai deeper.

He does some quick hand signs and I recognize it as the replacement Jutsu. Soon enough I was holding a log and the fake Sasuke was standing a safe distance away, well not that safe.

He bows his head. "I'll be back for you" Of course I was confused as he jumped off and disappear. I slid down panting still holding the kunai.

I need to meet up with the others. The sign ups for the exams are important. What's going on though. I don't understand.

~ Ok now I'm gonna play a game with my family and drink Ochi. Hehe if you don't know what that is. Ochi is a polite way to say tea. Chi is tea and add the O to make it polite. There's a Japanese lesson for you. Also comment who is your favorite. Sasuke or Gaara? Id like to know. ~

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