Chapter three ~Surprising the Team and Kakashi!~

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~~ This picture is something for sure lol.~~

Ookami's pov~

As I sit in the tree I wait for the team to come into view. I was so excited. Being shy was natural to me, so I was freaking out a little. Soon enough I saw the group along with an older person with white hair and most of his face covered up.

"Please stop talking about your new fake friend. I don't see anyone here and I don't hear them either. So they must have been fake. Naruto." Sasuke said quietly. I smirk and silently landed behind the Sasuke guy. The others where ahead of him so they didn't notice me.

I smile shyly as I whisper in Saskue's ear. "Nice to meet you." Sasuke jumps away from me and his eyes filled with surprise. It takes him a while to recover and Naruto was rolling on the ground laughing his head off. "H-how didn't I hear you, who are you?!" Sasuke shakes his head and puts a stone expression on his face.

I blush as I look at Sasuke. "I guess I'm a real person, don't you think?"

Sasuke looks me up and down and puts his hands back in his pockets. "So this is Ookami. She's quiet, I give you that, but is she useful?" I frown at Sasuke's words. Sakura walks up to me and looks at me with a big smile. "Hi I'm Sakura. I bet your stronger then he thinks."

I look up at the silent elder person with the mask. He hasn't said anything until now. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Ookami. Naruto here has told me that you wanted to join our group. Is that true?" I nod my head in agreement.

"Well before you can become ninja, I must see what you can do. I already know your good at sneaking, but is your Justus also good?"

I smile and my chakra build up. I didn't know what I was doing, it was as if my body was doing it on it's own. I start to do lots of hand signs and the elder looked surprised.

"Water dragon Jutsu!" I yell out and a tunnel of water burst from the ground and turned into a dangerous water dragon. It's icy eyes glared at the elder and the elder chuckled.

"Your stronger then I thought. A lot stronger. It also looks like you have great water power. You will be an excellent ninja."

Sasuke smirks at me after secretly admiring my dragon. I let it release into a water puddle and Sakura runs to my and gives my a hug. "That was amazing Ookami. Will you be my ninja friend?" Sakura asks loudly. I smile and nods my head. "Sure why not." The elder raises his hand and announces to me, "Ookami, you have earned your place in the team and my name is Kakashi. I will enjoy having you in my group. Things will be easier with another strong ninja like you here."

I blush and glance at Sasuke. He was looking anywhere but me. Then he looks straight at me and my heart gave a little flip. I blush even more as Sasuke continued to stare at me. I look away and stare at the sky.

Suddenly I felt weak and start to shake. My hands quiver and my legs gave in. I sunk to the ground and gasp as the world start to spin. Everyone rushes to me with concerned faces. Even Sasuke ran over and started to check for any wounds.

I didn't feel any pain, just weakness. They where calling out my name, but I felt so far away. It ends as sudden as it appeared. My eyes was more focused and the world was now still. I stand up and smiled shyly. "I'm fine, just a little tired." Everyone starts to relax, but Kakashi still had his eye on me.

Sasuke glances at me for a moment and walks off. "I need to go somewhere alone." He calls out. I sit down with everyone else and lean against a tree. Sakura watches Sasuke leave and looks at me. "Are you sure your ok?" She asks. I smile at her. "Yes, everything's ok." She smiles back and I relax. I didn't know what really happened. I wasn't too worried about it, I didn't know that it would happen again.

~Ok bed time for me. I'll listen to my music and watch videos of Sasuke because he is my favorite. Why couldn't he be my prince to save me from here. In my dreams he'll always be my mysterious prince. I think I'll lay outside tonight and listen to my music. It helps my relax. Night y'all~

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