Chapter 13~ No Cheating, Paper Test.

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Ookami's Pov~

Kabuto whispers to us.

"I heard that the sound village just showed up recently. Their village is quite small, but I heard that they are pretty tough. Other then that they are more like a mystery."

I glance around to see the group of the three. Two males and a female. The big one that seems to be the leader tilts his head as he hears Kabuto.

I'm not surprised, Kabuto didn't do well at whispering. I watch as the sound ninja jumps up and swings a punch at Kabuto, missing.

I narrow my eyes as Kabuto's glasses shatter. He missed, but something else happened. Sasuke gasps.

"What was that, he missed. Did he nick him?" Sasuke questions.

I shake my head.
"It was the sound waves. Did you see that tool on his arm?"
I let out.

The sound ninja glances at me, a little surprised.

"Look at that, someone knows how to use their head. Someone give her a treat."
The sound ninja remarked.

I grit my teeth and he chuckles.

Naruto helps Kabuto up and I lash out more words at the ninja.

"Are you not from the sound? If so, then why is it that it seemed that you stomped your way here. I could hear you a mile away."

He chuckles again.

"You probably could, but what about your team? they didn't hear me. that's why you'll be gone first."

I growl under my breath and Sasuke lays a hand on my shoulder.
"Calm down Ookami. Don't let him get to you."

I nod my head.

"Put this down in your cards, the Sound Village is going to pass these chunin exams for sure." The Sound male with spiked hair said.

Dark smoke appeared and when it cleared away there was a muscular dude with Chunin surrounding him.

"Shut up and listen you little savages! I didn't give you permission to strike out at anyone." The muscular guy said to the Sound group.

The leader of the Sound looks up. His face mostly covered with wrappings and a fur on his back. "Sorry, it's our first time. We are a little tense." The leader said smartly.

The big guy ignores his excuse and shouted out for everyone to hear.
"Alright. I am Ibiki, your proctor. And for now on, your worst enemy!"

"I'm only gonna say this once, so you better be listening. There will be no combat against each other during the first test.

There will be no fatal force used. Anyone who even thinks of disobeying my rules will fail immediately." Ibiki shouts out for everyone to hear.

"No fatal force? That's no fun." Zaku (the sound guy with spiked hair) said while glancing at me.

I turn away from him and looked back at Ibiki.

Ibiki continued with his lecture. "Now we will proceed to the first stage of the exams. You will hand in your application forms and get a number. This number will show you where you are sitting during the written test."

"The what!!! Did he just say.... written?!" Naruto shout out in shock.
"No not a written. No no no."

I glance at him. Don't worry Naruto you can do this. I think to myself.

We got into our spots and I glance around to find my group.
Naruto was in the front with Sakura two rows behind him. Sasuke was near by.

Me... I was in the back, beside the red head guy.. Gaara.

I sit down nervously and stare at the paper infront of me.

"The first rule of the test. The written part of the Exam is conducted on a point reduction system." Ibiki writes it down on the chalkboard.

"You will all begin with perfect score of ten points. Second rule, teams will either pass or fail based on the scores of all the members of the squad."

Sakura bangs her head on her desk.

"Rule three, I'm sure you all seen the Chunin around here. They will be watching carefully for any signs of cheating. Two points will be subtracted for each time they see you cheat. They are trained and will have a sharp eye.

Anyone foolish enough to get caught cheating doesn't deserve to be here." Ibiki announces.

I glance around at the Chunin close to my row.

"I got my eye on you." One of them says and taps his pen.

"Oh and one more thing for you to know about. If a candidate should get a zero, then the entire team fails."

"What?!!" Every eye turns to Sakura at her outburst. No doubt she was thinking about Naruto.

We are so doomed.

"The tenth and final question would be given out until fifteen minutes before the end of the Exams.

Now it is time for you to begin!"

~I will start the other chapter after I take a quick break. Please like or comment. I'll put more Ookami in it. Be right back.~

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