Chapter 12 ~Meeting the Other Rookie Groups.

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Ookami's Pov~

The room was suddenly quiet. Every eye was on group seven. Sakura gulped nervously and Naruto had his head down.

Suddenly a girl with her blonde hair in a long ponytail jumps on Sasuke's back with her arms around his neck. Sasuke had the look of annoying on his face.

"Sasuke where have you been, you don't know how much I was hoping you would show up. I really missed those really good looks of yours." The blonde shouted out in a high pitched voice.

Sakura had the face of a killer as she points her finger at the other girl.

"Back off porker, he's mine!" Shouts Sakura.

"Miss forehead they let you in? I see that you still have those frown lines on your billboard brow." Announced the blonde girl.

Sakura growls. "Leave my forehead out of this Ino."

Mmm so this girl is named Ino. That is a little strange.

Ino makes a face at Sakura when her group walks up. A dude that looks like he eats snacks all day and a guy who looked really lazy.

"Oh great it's you guys." The lazy one said in a bored voice.

"I knew it was going to be a drag, but I didn't know it was going to be this lame since you guys are here." He added.

His eyes lands on me for a second and he had a surprised expression.

"Wait you guys got another member?"

Naruto growls a little. "Ya what about it?" He asks.

The lazy dude hesitates and answers. "Never mind. It doesn't matter."

I turn my head to look at the crowd of people that was watching us, yes us the little rookies.

After a while another group steps up. One with a fur coat and a dog on his head (kiba). Another was a girl with a coat ( Hinata) and the other with weird hair and his face hidden because of his jacket collar (mystery).

"Looks like all the rookies are here. Sorry team seven, but we are going to take you down. We've been training our butts off." Said Kiba.

Naruto glares. "What do you think we did? Sitting around picking daisies?!" He yells out angrily.

The Hinata girl plays with her fingers blushing. "It's ok Naruto, I'm sure Kiba didn't mean it." She whispers shyly. (Awe she likes naruto)

Naruto looks confused and turns back to Kiba. Kiba looks at me for a second and it took a while for him to realize that I was real.

"Another person, and it's a girl? Why did you guys get her and not us?" Kiba asks.

I raise a eyebrow and he chuckles.
"She's a funny one."

I glance at Sasuke to see that Ino finally got off of him.

Then a silver haired ninja taps me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I never met you. Can I have your name?"

I paused for a second. "Why?" I asked a little confused.

"I want to see if I have you in my cards." He holds out a stack of blank cards. "They are filled with information on different ninja. I haven't seen you before though." He adds after seeing my confused look.

I smile gently. "I would rather not be on a card. There's stuff I can't really tell you."

His face showed hurt and interest, but I turned away to hear Sasuke clear his throat at the silver boy.

"Who might you be?"

The silver kid pushes up his glasses and answers with pride. "I'm Kabuto Yakushi. This is my seventh time in the exams. I have information that might help you out."

"I also wanted to tell you that you guys might want to quiet down." He added.

Naruto glares at him, "And why is that?!"

"Because you guys made quite a impression already. Look around."

Of course all the rookies looks around at the other ninjas that was staring at us. Sakura gulps and Naruto starts to tremble. Everyone else was watching us and I felt like throwing a chair at a few of them that wouldn't stop looking at me.

Sakura glances at Naruto and I notice that he had his head bowed down. Sakura looks concerned.

Naruto actually looks scared. You wouldn't expect that out of him.


I stop as Naruto suddenly points out at the crowd of the older ninjas. He yells out to the crowd.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna wipe the floor with every one of ya!"

Ino screams at Naruto.

"Are you trying to get all of us killed?!"

I face palms and slides a ways away from them.

"Tell your idiot boyfriend to keep his mouth shut, Sakura!" Ino commands.

Sakura's eyebrow twitches. "He is not my boyfriend!"

"I forgot. Your too ugly to have a boyfriend." Ino shouts back.

"Shut up porker!" Sakura growls at Ino.

"Can you repeat that? I didn't hear ya that well." Kiba says sarcastically.

Sakura jumps forward and puts Naruto in a head lock. "Why you stupid idiot!"

She pauses and sweat drops as she looks around at the other ninja. They all had scowls on their face.

Sakura waves a hand. "Hehe nothing to be worried about. He has a mental issue that causes him to be this way. He needs medication for this stuff, I tell ya. He didn't mean anything by it." She says nervously.

"Look what you did idiot. You had to go and hurt everyone's feelings. They don't think that you respect them." Sakura growls at Naruto.

I look around to find one of the sound ninjas with the spiked hair smirking at me. I know that I'm not the type to attract attention, but this was tickling me off.

I roll my sleeves up and growls at him.
"Do you have anything to tell me? Do so before I take a chair and beat that stupid look off your face.

I actually picked up a chair and started forward when Sasuke grabs my hand and pulls me away. I fought a little but finally gave up.

I stood there with my arms crossed.

Kabuto pulls out the stack of cards and Sasuke raises a eyebrow.

"Of course they seem blank. But by applying the right about of my chakra, they reveal words. Anyone your interested in?"

Sasuke narrows his eyes and replies. "Rock Lee of the leaf village and Gaara of the Sand."

Kabuto runs his hand over the cards and two appears in his hands. He smirks and flips then over. The words appear and reveals information about the two ninja.

First was Rock Lee. Lee and his group has done 20 D rank and 11 C rank missions. His Taijutsu was strong, but it shows that he struggles on ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Next was Gaara of the Desert. There was few information about him. The only thing was that he completed 8 C ranks and 1 B rank, all of us gasped.

B rank was a high mission.

"Get this, Gaara completed a lot of D ranks also. He came out of every mission including the B rank, without a scratch on him."

Everyone now knows that Gaara should be left alone. Kabuto turns back to us.

"I have information on plenty of ninjas, even you guys." His eyes lands on me while he said this. Too bad he doesn't have any on me. I enjoy being a mystery.

~Oh k let's just call this a chapter and the next one will be fun, maybe. Sorry for the long wait. And does anyone have an clue how to post pictures above in the stories?
If so please tell me. It would help. Also did ya know that Ino actually means pig in Japanese. I'm not kidding. Look it up.~

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