Chapter 20~ Power of the Curse Mark

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Gaara's pov~

I held her in my arms but I make sure that I don't make things awkward as it was.

Temari and Kankuro gave me a shocked look before leaving me alone with Ookami. They never saw me let someone close to me, and here I was holding a girl.

Her hair was away from her face but her choppy bangs lay on her pale face.

She still had a slight shake to her and she would jerk every now and then.

I wish I knew what I could do. And the strange dark energy pulsing from her was puzzling. I want answers, but I don't know if that is something I could get.

My face was expressionless as I stare down at her face, waiting for her to wake up and everything to be ok. But what next after that? Let her go off alone to find her group and say nothing to her?

That is what the cold Gaara would do. And that is who I am, but I feel hesitant at that thought. I shake my head, I can't developed feelings for anyone, not even my sibling.

Friends are a weakness, they will only cause pain and more pain. I sigh and close my eyes, what is wrong with me?




Ookami's Pov~

Everything was black now. Now I know part of my past, but that didn't have to be a good thing. My heart ached even more, now that I know that I had no family or siblings.

I was meant to be alone, like I was back then.

I heard laughter in the darkness and recognize it as Orochimaru but then it changed into the voice of Naraku.

"Your weak.. you need power to defeat the group and avenge your family. The power that you can't get, unless you leave the ones you are with now and let the darkness eat away your heart. Without a heart then there will be less pain to feel. Less people to lose..."

The laughter faded away and Mother's death replayed in my head. Then everything was black again....

I felt comfortable, but also cold. My body was numb now from the pain. My neck still had a throb to it, but I was getting used to it.

My eyes flutter open and a blush rise to my cheeks as I see the sight before me.

Gaara's eyes was staring down at me, his emotionless face was blank like usual, but he was holding me to him.

Everything was very awkward and before we could say anything, there was a chuckle and we look up to see a lone ninja. A BIG lone ninja.

"Surprise surprise... To love birds in the Forest of Death. Don't worry, I'll make sure that you two are still together.... in the end."

My blush vanishes and replaced with rage. I felt a new feeling, something that wasn't there before.

Gaara let me go and I stood up. My eyes turned towards the ninja. My vision seemed to clear and my blood was flowing with energy, but this was way different.

I felt like a whole different person. I didn't feel any emotion except hatred.




Gaara's Pov~

I watch as Ookami stood there. It was as if she was distracted by something.

Then her hand went to her neck and I see that mark again. She touched it and wince. Then she falls to one knee and she covers her head with her arms again. The shaking came back, but faster.

The lone ninja didn't know what to make if this.

"What did you do to her?" He asked me.

I don't answer, I stare at him with a blank face. Challenging him to make a move.

"I'll kill you, and take that girl from you. She would be in better hands with me then being with a monster like you."

He chuckles and moves his hands.

Water clones appear beside him, but my sand wraps around them and crushes them easily. Then my sand wraps around the main one and he only chuckles.

I narrow my eyes at him and completed the sand burial... But instead of blood, it was water.

I realize the trick and curse myself in my head. My eyes scan around and then I feel the cold presence of a kunai behind me.

I didn't move, I just turn my eyes to see him beside me. His ugly smile and his rotting breath.

"Looks like this is it for you.."

I didn't need to move, for I still had plenty of sand that will easily block the kunai. It has it's own will and will protect me whether I want it to or not.

I wait for the man to make his stupid move and the sand I cover me... but that didn't happen.

I hear the man breath shakily and then no breath at all. I turn to see blood coming from his mid section, and a hand that had went through his back and flesh and out of his chest, holding his heart.

The dead ninja drops and there stood Ookami, with blood caked on her hand and arm up to her elbow. She growls loudly at the now dead ninja. Her eyes was wild and filled with anger.

Black energy pulsed from her body and through her. She was radiating evil power.

She looks up to me and I hesitate on what to do. What has happened to her and where did she get all this power. She just pulled a mans heart out without making might of a sound that even I didn't realize she had did so.

My eyes widen as I notice the black markings all over her skin. Zebra like designs covered her arms and face, and it was all connected to the mark on her neck. I study her as she studies me.

Her actions isn't her own, she was taken over by the power. Another growl ripples from her throat and I stand my ground.

Showing fear might cause her to attack, and I don't know if I would bring myself to kill her. But if I have to, it will be done. I can't show feeling for anyone, not even my siblings.

I decide to turn my back on her and walk away, but that didn't work well. I caught the faint footsteps behind me and realized that she was heading for me.

I turn around quickly to see her kick at my feet, but the sand blocked her move. She would dash here and there trying to inflict hurt, but the sand did it's job and protected me.

I was a little worried for she had some speed, and the new power of hers seemed to increase it.

My eyes widen in surprise when she finally aimed a kick at me, and actually hit me. She was fast enough to actually hit me.

Her chakra filled foot hit me in the chest and I almost lost my footing. She tries to swing a punch while she laughs.

This was not normal, this wasn't the normal Ookami. I make my sand wrap around her body, leaving her neck and head alone.

I made sure not to add any pressure what so ever. I didn't want to hurt her.

She squirms as she tries to escape, but it was hopeless for her. I walk up to her and grab her chin softly. She bares her teeth which I found was actually sharp like canines.

I ignore her growling and looked into her eyes, maybe I can see her past and her pain. See what has also caused this evil that was apon her....

~sooo sorry for the long update. But now o have a phone

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