Chapter 17: Mare

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There isn't much to hide behind and I don't necessarily have the time to falter so I go around the corner which leads to a dead end. I ready up my sparks, just in case. My heart is pounding against my chest and I fear whoever is here will be able to hear it. I hear them whisper something though it is too quiet to make out what they are saying. I'm assuming it's something along the lines of splitting up and searching the area because their footsteps continue in different directions. In the background, the bombs still persist and I worry we won't get a chance to slip away without getting blown up or shot first.

I decide not to waste time and as soon as one of them gets close enough to me I plan to target my sparks at them and ask questions after. For all I know, they could be behind the bombs. As one of them is about to turn the corner and spot me, I jump out, Clara in one hand, my lightning in the other. It takes me only a second to recognize that face.

"Evangeline? What are you doing here?" I'm glad I didn't strike immediately.

"We came looking for you." Behind her, Farley pops up, and relief washes over her face when she sees Clara in my arms.

"Do you guys know what is going on?" I look to Farley, hoping she has answers.

"Not exactly." Farley responds, taking Clara from my arms. "I'm assuming the Lakelanders had spies plant bombs but we can't know for sure."

Right on cue, another bomb goes off. This time it is incredibly close.

"We have to go, now." Evangeline says.

"Do you know where Cal is?" I'm glad to know that they are safe, but I'm still worried about him.

"Mare, we have to go. He can take care of himself. Don't forget, he can handle most explosions as long as he isn't too close. However, we cannot."

She's right. I nod and Farley takes the lead. None of us tries to hold conversation, now is not the time to catch up. We run towards what I assume is an exit used by maids because I am not familiar with the path. Though we are abruptly stopped by a ticking sound. Farley acts so quickly I don't realize what she is planning until after she hands me Clara and pushes me away. Evangeline is already backtracking but comes back and drags me away when I don't move. Farley is yelling something but I can't hear her. I try to read her lips. Save her. She runs to the origin of the ticking and carries the bomb as far away as possible before it goes off. Barely a few seconds pass by when the sound of an explosion makes my ears ring. I make sure to never let go of Clara. She is probably crying but I can't hear her. Maybe she is dead, I sure feel that way. Thick smoke fills the air and I cough. A hand reaches for mine through the chaos.

"Get up, Barrow."

How Evangeline is calm in this moment, I do not understand.

"Come on. Do you have Clara?"

"Yes." I cough out. I doubt she can comprehend my answer, but she accepts it and helps me up.

"Follow me."

I follow. I don't ask about Farley. She doesn't bring it up either. My eyes burn from the smoke and my tears. I keep moving. I try not to think about it. Clara is unconscious but she is still alive.

Save her.

She saved us and I couldn't thank her. She protected me, just as Shade once did and I didn't get to say goodbye. The least I could do is save their daughter. A daughter who no longer has a mother or father. I hold her closer. I don't hear anymore bombs go off. Evangeline continues on, leading us through multiple dark passageways. My legs can't keep up anymore. I feel like I will collapse any second now. Looking down, I realize why; they're bleeding badly.

"Eve, I can't keep going."

"Just a little further."

"You have to take Clara, she is unconscious and needs a Healer."

She finally turns to look back at me and her eyes widen. "Your legs, Mare!"

"I know." I don't feel much pain at all, I feel completely numb.

"Stay here." She takes Clara from me and motions for me to lie down gently. She does her best to wrap my legs with fabric she tore off herself. It must be bad. Evangeline is no stranger to blood so noting the worried look on her face doesn't soothe my nerves. "I'll be back with a Healer, okay?"

I nod and she runs off, leaving me in an empty hallway. I'm worried she won't find a Healer because most people who survived the attack must be long gone by now. I tell myself that I will be fine, I haven't lost too much blood and I try to think of something else to distract me. Who could the spies have been? How many survived? Are the Lakelanders going to follow with another attack? Was this even their doing? All the possibilities flood my mind and it overwhelms me. I wonder if Cal made it. He had to. Not wanting to think anymore because my head starts to hurt, I sit and wait- it really is my only option. I lie here while Farley lies not too far from me, though she faced a much different fate today. 

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