Chapter 38: Evangeline

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Calore's message said something about a "new and unexpected factor" being added into the developments of our plan and I can only assume that he has screwed something up and is trying to fix it. Now, I am patiently waiting for him and the rest of the crew to arrive to the last minute meeting. I worry that because of how sporadic this meeting was, some of the others won't be able to come up with adequate excuses that won't make anyone question their actions.

In truth, the person I am most worried will find out about our plan is Elane. I haven't exactly told her and I know she won't be thrilled to know I will be headed directly toward Kira. While I know my sweet Elane would never explicitly stop me from going—that is, if she is even capable of doing such a thing—but it would break her heart, and I simply cannot do that to her. Elane would try to get me to see the logical side of things; that the probability of getting Mare back is slim to none and there will most likely be dire casualties. However, in this world you have to be prepared to take risks for those you love, no matter how stupid they may be. Before, I lived my life abiding to everything I was built for, not once daring to stray from the path I was destined to follow. Until I realized my "destined" path lead to everything I despised, and I later had the courage to finally form my own path without caring for the dangers to come.

I hear the hidden door creak open, and braids poke out from the side, followed by large, hesitant eyes. Spotting me, Cameron releases the tension in her shoulders and walks in, shutting the door behind her.

"Where are the rest?" She asks, sitting down at the far end of the wooden table.

"Not sure. You would think that the one who called the meeting would be here on time, but I suppose that isn't Calore's preference."

She scoffs in response and silence ensues. Cameron and I have never truly connected for some reason and the obvious awkwardness between us pounds in my mind.

I try to end our agony by asking about her brother. "How is Morrey?"

"He's fine."

Well so much for trying to talk to her.

"How is Ptolemus?" Cameron says his name coldly. I can tell she only asks because she feels obligated to do so. Tolly hasn't done anything to her directly, but I know she still holds a grudge for all that he has done to everyone else she knows. As much as I understand why people aren't fond of him, the only way to get past this is for everyone to move on.

"He is doing alright, too." The last time I had such a cold conversation as this was with my parents.

Luckily, the back door opens once again and I see Kilorn enter. Never in my life have I been happier to see that foolish face. Although, by the looks of it, he isn't too happy to be here himself. As he is walking in, he massages his temple with the tips of his fingers while slightly groaning as if he has a bad headache.

"What's wrong with you?" Cameron asks, reading my mind.

He jerks his thumb behind him, pointing at the door, "Her."

Confused, I look to see what he is babbling on about when I notice another figure walking in behind Calore. Instinctively, I feel for all the metal in the room, already planning of multiple ways to deal with her if need be. A young looking girl, perhaps around Cameron's age, approaches. She carries a satchel that rattles with the sound of glass and she walks with confidence. The confidence is fake, I can see right through it—mainly because it is the same confidence I used to pretend to have to intimidate others.

"Let me explain." Calore's voice reverberates around the room.

He then goes into depth clarifying who this girl is, what her intentions are, and how she can help us. Judging by the story of Kilorn, she seems somewhat interesting, I've never seen that done before. When it came to interrogation, I'm accustomed to Whispers getting the job done efficiently. I never considered that someone without an ability would be capable of this. She also claims to be good friends with Tyton and Monte, though I don't want to trust her so soon. However, Cal does reveal that she plans to follow us there if we don't let her in regardless. Concluding his explanation, Cal turns to Cameron and I, awaiting our responses.

"I don't see why not." Cameron says.

I, however, am not so lenient. "While you are valuable to our team and I will allow you to join us, don't you dare think for one minute that you have any control over us. I could kill you with the flick of my wrist and if you do not obey the rules, it might come down to that." I watch a flicker of panic run over her eyes and she does her best to push it away.

"No need to incite fear, Eve." Cal intrudes.

"That's my specialty, Calore. I just want to make my point clear. This won't be easy and you have to listen carefully in order to survive."

Holding eye-contact with me, the girl responds, "Okay."

I hope she realizes what she has just signed up for. 

~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~

Hi! Hola! Bonjour! *insert a thousand more greetings in other languages here* How are you all doing tonight? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's been a bit since I've written from Eve's perspective. If you did enjoy, please consider voting on this chapter, it would mean the world to me. My question for today is: what other book series to you recommend? I want to add more to my TBR list (though I already have so much hahaha) and I wanna hear which books you guys enjoy the most! I wish you all a wonderful week and thank you for continuing to read and support me :)

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