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Tensions between Darry and I have have been high all week. But, our fight hasn't prohibited Miguel and I from becoming close. It's almost been a full week since our fight, today's Friday.

The bell rang, so I walk out of English and make my way to my locker. Kids from grades seven through twelve brush past me, trying to get to their next class on time. Our school had budget cuts and open space in the high school, so they moved the middle school and the high school together. It's kind of sucks to be the youngest, especially with the Juniors and Seniors, but all of my classes are in the same wing. 

Miguel was waiting for me at my locker. He kisses me, as usual. We haven't really been embarrassed about PDA, we could care less about what people thought. They aren't usually paying attention; I'm surprised we haven't got in trouble for it yet. "Hi baby." 

"Hi Miguel," I smile at him. I open my locker and put my English textbook away, "do you wanna have lunch together?"

"Yes of course." He grins. Behind Miguel, I notice Pony staring at us. I was busted for sure.

"I have to talk to someone, I'll meet you there." I say. He agrees and I start to walk towards Pony.

"What are you doing with him Smarty?" He asks me. "You know you're not supposed to be with him, Darry said —"

"Since when have you cared what Darry thought?" I ask him seriously. His expression didn't change. "Pony, don't tell Darry please? I really like Miguel."

He thinks for a moment. "Fine, but if he asks me I'm not lying."

"That's fair," I say, "thanks Ponyboy." He smirks at me and walks away.

I catch up with Miguel right before we walks into the lunchroom. "Wanna go bowling tonight?"

"Sure." I say.


After school, I finished my minimal amount of homework quickly. Then, I got ready for bowling. I told him I'd meet him there, he still doesn't know that I'm not supposed to be with him. It's getting harder and harder to keep finding excuses to go out, I need to think of a permanent one soon. I have to find some people who will cover for me, fast. I got a few friends in mind though. 

I grab a jacket and tried to leave very quietly. Soda was watching TV on the couch. "Where are you going Smarty?"

It was a great thing he was in charge tonight, I wouldn't be able to pass by Darry. "To go hang out with some friends." I lie. I hate lying, but I'm pretty good at it. So is Pony, it's weird.

"Which friends?"

"Some school friends." I say quickly. "Why do you have to drill me Soda?"

"I'm not drilling ya," he says and smiles, "have fun."

"Bye." I say and walk out. That was so much easier than I thought it would be.

I walk fastly, almost running, to the bowling alley. I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't get stuck by any Socs.

I was a little out of breath by the time I got to the alley, I told myself I have to get in shape. I catch my breath before I meet Miguel inside. 

I scan the room for him. I finally spot the back of his head in the corner of the place, at Lane one. I make my way towards him, and he smiles when he sees me.

"Hi Smarty," He says when I'm close enough to hear him. It was quite loud in here. He kisses me gently, it sends shivers down my spine. "Let's play!"

"I gotta get shoes first." I tell him.


After two games of bowling, we got a small pizza and some drinks. He walks back over to our table with the pizza in his hand.

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