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"Where are you going?" Pony asks curiously, popping his head into the bathroom.

I was putting on makeup. "I'm going on a date with Miguel."


"The boy from yesterday." I explain.

"Oh yeah," he says, "doesn't he go to our school?"

"Yeah, he's in eighth grade." I tell him. I look at Pony through the reflection.

He smiles at me. "Have fun."

"Thanks." He starts to walk away as I remember to ask him something. "Pony!"

He walks back into view. "What?"

"When's Darry coming home?" He had to pick up another shift today.

"I don't know. Maybe nine?"

"Okay." He walks away again. I subconsciously tell myself to be home before nine. I don't want Darry to see me with Miguel. I just feel like he won't approve.Or, he might interrogate me about him. I'm not sure which one I'd rather have.

I finish my makeup, brush my hair, and look at my outfit one more time. I am wearing a dress, a yellow one with purple designs printed on it. We were going to a diner, I don't need to look as fancy as I do. I quickly change into a pale yellow button-up blouse and baby blue pants. I saved my money for weeks to buy these, they're really in style. I was going on a date, so I figure I should wear something that was in style.

I hear someone knock on the front door, he's here. I ran to the door to open it before anyone else could.

He stands there, holding a bouquet of daisies. His hair was still greased back like normal, but he wears a white polo shirt tucked into his blue jeans. "Hi Smarty."

"Hi Miguel," I open the door, letting him in. He hands me the flowers, "thank you. You're very sweet."

"You're welcome." I quickly run them into the kitchen, putting them on the counter. He's so nice, I thought while smiling at the gift. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asks as I walk back.

"Yeah," I say. I almost walk out the door without saying goodbye, "Bye Pony!"

We made our way to the diner, talking and laughing on the way. I've never been to this one before, and I can see why. It was the opposite way from town, where everything else in Tulsa is.

The diner was a cute, white building with a high sign along the road. We walk in and sat down.

The waitress gave us menus, and Miguel ordered us milkshakes, one vanilla and one chocolate. "I've never been here before." I say, looking up from the burger choices.

"Really?" He asks. "I go here all the time. They have really good fries, and burgers too."

"I'll keep that in mind." I say as I look through the menu. I was very conscious of what to pick. I was going to get a salad, but the calling of a burger and fries won me over. I got the cheapest burger on the menu.

After we order, we started talking again. "So, which date number is this?" I ask, sipping on my milkshake. "One or two?"

"I'm not sure what you mean." He says.

"Was yesterday considered a date?" I ask him. "I mean, we met up at a place, and you did buy me food. What's the other criteria for a date?"

"I guess it was a date then." He laughs. His laugh was so light, so natural. I swoon over his cuteness. We sit in silence for a moment, sipping on our shakes. "So, tell me about your brothers."

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