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I look around at my surroundings. I'm in some sort of house, but ... it's an abnormal looking. I am standing in what seems like a living room, couches are pushed along the walls and there are old newspapers covering the floor. I pick one up, and it reads 'Couple Found Dead in a Horrific Car Accident'. It's dated almost a year ago; why would there be old newspapers on the floor? Then, I realized why.  It's my parents' story. 

I get out of that room quickly, a sense of anxiousness flowed over me, and go into what seems like a dining room. The feel of this room is much happier than the depressing living room; it's no longer black and white. It's filled to the brim with music pieces, piano specifically. I now notice that the piano from my dining room is in this one. It was playing itself; Beethoven over and over again. It was weird, and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I open the curtain with is being used as a barricade for the next room. 

The room behind the curtain is a kitchen. I was surprised to see Miguel in the kitchen, cooking something. "Miguel" I try to call, but no voice comes out of my mouth. It was as if someone ripped my vocal chords out. I go closer to him, trying to get his attention. Nothing. I wave my arms around like a maniac, my goal was to get some sort of reaction. Nothing again. I try to touch him. My hands passed right through his body, as if he was some sort of hologram. 'No no, how could this be?' I ask myself. I try to feel him again -- maybe I'm just crazy -- but it still passes through. How strange.

In a room next to the kitchen, there's a large screen. Like a movie house. On that screen is an old tape of my whole family on Darry's eighteenth birthday. I sit in one of the very comfortable plush recliners and watch as the story unfolds. The other boys come over and we all sing happy birthday. Darry's smile was so bright it could be seen from a mile away. So could my parents'; they were so extremely excited to see their eldest son growing older. They would be so proud to see what type of man he will become, how he matures into an adult. They don't see past his twentieth birthday. I tear up; they won't see my eighteenth birthday. They won't see me grow older, into the woman they always dreamed I would become. I leave quickly, into the next room in his maze of a house. 

But, there was only one room left. It served no purpose; it was completely empty. I turn back to leave back through the way I came, but there was suddenly no door. How could that be? There were no windows either, no way out of this hell. I develop a pit in my stomach; I can't leave. I scream for somebody to let me out; my heart going a mile a minute. I scream for what seems like hours, longing for someone to save me. I fall to the ground, exhausted by all the yelling. I belt for someone to come, someone to rescue me, while on the floor ...


I wake up and do my normal morning routine, closing my mouth. I feel bad when I wake up one of the boys; they shouldn't be interrupted by my stupid nightmares. Soda comes in a little while later.

"Smarty," he says groggily, rubbing his eyes, "are you okay?"

"No." I answer dully. 

He comes and sits down on the foot of my bed. "What was the dream about?"

"It was the same one as yesterday." I tell him. This is the first reoccurring nightmare that I've had.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?"

Yes, I do. I do with all my heart. But, instead, I think about my brother. "What about Pony?"

"He's asleep right now. He'll be okay." He tells me during a yawn. He comes into bed with me and pulls me near his warm chest. His skin's so warm against my shivering, scared body. "Hey Smarty, It's okay... you don't need to be scared. I'm sorry about your nightmares."

"It's okay Soda," I tell him, "it's not your fault."

"I know. I just feel bad that you're going through this."

"Thanks." is all I could think of saying.

His breathing slowed and became more even. He was asleep. Honestly, I was jealous on how he could just close his eyes and fall into a deep slumber. It was so easy for him, so easy for everyone else but me.

I sighed, I have a long night in front of me. I couldn't help but think about Miguel. Tomorrow, I'm sorry, today, is Valentine's Day. I can't celebrate with him. It honestly sucks. I always liked our tradition, but it was before I had someone to share Valentine's Day with. I feel bad, making him be alone on the most romantic day of the year. But, I can't do anything about it. I can't tell the gang I'm not going to be there; I don't want to break our tradition. And, not to mention the fact that I'm not supposed to be with him. I should have just told Miguel that they don't approve that night at the park. But, I don't want to hurt him. He's a great boy, there's no reason Darry doesn't approve. Maybe I'm just a coward for not telling him. I can't tell if it's that, or if it's because I don't want to hurt him. I don't know which one I want to believe is the real answer. 

Speaking of the Gonzalez's, Marco is one of the weirdest men I've met. He's so reserved and kind of scary-looking. The way he looks at me is terrifying. And, the way he was beating his eyes into me when we went to the river still sent shivers down my spine. He acted so strange. It's like he knows something I don't, if that's even possible. I wonder if that night in the park with Miguel and I had anything to do with Marco. The picture of the elder Gonzalez floats in my mind for the rest of the night.


I got out of bed when Soda woke up for work. Valentine's Day was on a Monday this year, and none of the boys had off besides Ponyboy, Johnny and Two-Bit (there was no school). I walked out into the kitchen and started to make some eggs. I wanted to make breakfast for the boys, one reason was because they work so hard and another reason was because I didn't want to do the dishes this morning. 

I scrambled Soda, Darry and I's eggs because I knew that Ponyboy would sleep late today, and he's the only one who likes them hard-boiled. I put some bread in the toaster and bacon in a pan for Darry. While our breakfast cooked, I made lunch for my oldest brother. Soda's usually home for lunch. 

As Darry got out of the shower and Soda got in, Steve and Two-Bit came to the house. "Hey Smarty." Steve says. I don't answer, just get the chocolate cake out from the icebox and put it on the counter. "You know me so well."

"Yeah." I say with a laugh. Two-Bit grabs a beer and they sit down to watch Mickey Mouse in the living room. 

"Soda let's go! I'm gonna be late!" Darry yells into the bathroom door. Soda yells back something inaudible. 

"I'll take 'em." Two-Bit offers. 

"Thanks Two-Bit." Darry says and walks into the kitchen. I had already assembled his breakfast sandwich and his lunch was sitting on the counter. "Thanks Smarty."

He only grabs his lunch. He almost walked out the door before I realize. "Darry, come get your breakfast!" I bring it to him, covered in a napkin. 

"Thanks." He says and quickly kisses my cheek. He calls bye behind him and pulls out the driveway.

I go back into the kitchen and pull the eggs off of the stove. I put some on a plate for Soda and put a glass of chocolate milk and grape jelly on the table. He comes into the dining room, almost swallows them whole, and downs the glass of milk. He hurries to get his clothes on and comes back out. "Thanks for breakfast Smarty. Bye."

The three other boys leave, and I'm stuck cleaning up their mess. Of course.


 I checked the time, it was five thirty. They should be home soon for the party. Ponyboy, Johnny and I cleaned the house and decorated with cheesy love banners and things for the party. I usually bake for Valentine's Day, so I went to town. I made an apple pie, cupcakes and ice cream sandwiches. I was in the middle of baking my famous sugar cookies, another tradition, when they all showed up. This party was going to be fun.  

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