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Tonight is my first date with Miguel since our break. Since we've said those three words. Since we're back in each other's lives. I am ecstatic. 

I went back to school. I'm so glad to get out of my dull house, I've drawn about everything in there. Miguel and I started to hang out again in between classes. I've made sure not to go near Ponyboy when I'm with him, I don't think Pony'll keep my secret. I just hope he never finds out. He'd tell Soda, and Soda can't keep secrets for his life.

I got ready blindly, Miguel didn't tell me where we're going. I'm meeting him at his house, and then we're going somewhere. I don't really like surprises, but I believe I'll love anything from Miguel. I'm super excited; he always has great ideas.

I walk into the living room, where Soda, Johnny and Pony are watching TV. It's was Friday night, I'm surprised they're not out. "Hey Soda, can I go out with some friends tonight?"


"Mary Beakers, Catherine Michaels and Elizabeth Green." I explain. They were real people, school friends. They were the people I talked to at school and sometimes ate lunch with, but they're not real best friends.

"Pony?" Soda asks, looking for an answer on the girls. Probably about how they act, how they are.

"They seem nice." Pony says dully. He doesn't really mix with the seventh graders.

"Okay have fun." He says. I almost walk out the door when Soda stops me, "Wait, where are you meeting?"

"At the end of the street." I tell him. "We're going shopping."

"Sounds good." He turns and smiles at me. "Do you have money sweetie?"

"Yeah." I say, annoyed. He never asks this many questions, he usually doesn't care. I just wanted to get out of the house, away from the dishonesty. "Bye guys."

"Bye!" Soda calls. I quickly close the door behind me, and let out the my breath. I make my way to Miguel's.

On the way to his house, everything seems brighter. The birds chirped a little louder, as if they were calling goodnight to the world. The car horns, usually rude and annoying, seemed dimmed by the sounds of nature. I was happy, elated to have Miguel back in my life. You don't realize how great someone is until you've lost them. That's how it is with Miguel. 

I knocked on Miguel's front door when I arrived at his house. He opens it almost instantly. "Hi Smarty. Come in." He invites. "Listen, my mom's here and she wants to meet you."

"Great!" I exclaim. I was wondering when I would meet her. I hope she's like Miguel, I hope she's the one he got his charm and gentleness from. 

"Miguel, I have to leave for work!" A woman yells from the other room. She walks out into the living room. The first thing I noticed was her eyes. They looked tired, with bags under them, but she has the same bulbous, espresso-colored eyes as Miguel and Marco. Her hair was beautiful: long, wavy brown with blond highlights. She was short and her body was very skinny, just like Miguel's and the total opposite of Marco's. Her cheeks have wrinkles, as well as skin folds on her forehead. She was wearing nurse's clothes and white shoes. "Hi, you must be Smarty!"

She was very loud, I notice. I smile. "Hi Ms. Gonzalez, it is so nice to finally meet you!"

"Oh no, call me Ms. Hernàndez or Teresa. It is wonderful to meet you too. Can I hug you?"

"Sure." I say. She gave me a quick embrace. It has been a long time since I've got a hug from a woman, it was great. She smells like vanilla.

"Well, I got to go to work. I got Marco to bring you guys on your date. Have fun baby." She says, kissing Miguel's cheek.

I chuckle. "Mom!"

"Sorry, I don't want to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend." She smiles at me. "It was wonderful to meet you Smarty, see you around."

When she closes the door and is off the front porch, Miguel apologizes. "I'm so sorry for her."

"No, I liked her. She was nice." I say. "Don't ever be ashamed of her."

"Let's go." Marco says, suddenly coming in. He walked out the front door as fast as he came into the room.

Miguel gives him a face behind his back and we follow him out and get into his truck. It was a three seat truck, so I sat in between the boys.

"It's a fifteen minute drive." Miguel told me. I wonder where would Miguel take me that was fifteen minutes away. I couldn't think of anything.

It ride was mostly awkward silence. The radio was on, but it was very quiet, barely audible. I sat with my hands in my lap, trying to not look uncomfortable. But honestly I was. Marco's broad shoulders were taking up my space, and I was kind of stuck. Marco kept stealing glances at me through the rear view mirror, and he looked away every time I would look towards it. It was direful.

When we finally got there, I felt relieved. I quickly followed Miguel out while Marco drove away. Finally, we were alone.

We were in the parking lot next to the river. There were no other cars in the spaces, but that's no surprise. The river was very cold this time of year. "So what are we doing here?"

"Come with me." He says and takes my hand. I grab back and squeeze it while he leads me along the river.

A red and white blanket came into view, with some chocolate covered strawberries in a container on top. "Surprise. It's a re-do dinner."

"Wow, that's so sweet." I say.

"Yeah, I wanted a do over of that night. I couldn't make the spaghetti and meatballs again because they would be cold." He laughs. 

"I don't care Miguel, this is cool." I tell him, moving towards him. I gently kiss him on the lips. "Let's do it differently. I'm not runnin' this time."

He smiles two inches from my face. "That sounds perfect."

We sat down facing each other. I couldn't help but smile, I'm just ... in love. I said this while the quiet waves of the river fill the background.

"This was a great place to pick. It's so quiet." I tell him, picking my favorite strawberry and biting off the end.

"Yeah, I go here when I need some alone time, it's very quiet if there's no one else here." Miguel tells me.

"It's a good place."

We sit in silence again. Not like the awkward time with Marco, but a break in conversation.

He breaks the silence just to tell me, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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