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"Hey Smarty, you can wake up now." Soda says. His voice was very distorted, like he was a thousand miles away. "C'mon baby, you can do it." His words echoed through my brain, making it throb.

I try to wake myself up. 'Open you eyes' I told myself firmly. My eyelids wouldn't clear. I holler harder at myself, it felt like my brain was pounding on my skull. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Thud, thud, thud, went the fake hammer on my temples. The black scenery surrounding my vision wouldn't change.

I finally gave up. That's when I felt myself start to wake up, like I was at home in my body again. I can come back, I'm so excited. I try to move my fingers, they just barely shake. But I'm getting there.

I felt Soda's lips on my hand. I could feel it! "C'mon Smarty, you can do it. Come to Soda." His voice was more normal than it was, no more ringing.

I moan, trying to wake myself up more. After about thirty seconds, I could open my eyes.

When I did, the light blinded me. I shut them quickly. I opened them again, slower this time. Soda had the biggest smile on his face. "Hi Smarty."

"Hey Soda." I say. My voice was groggy, and very hoarse. It took every bone in my body to keep my eyes open, they are so sensitive to the light. I look around the room, I have no idea where I am. "Where are we?"

"In the hospital." He explains. "Do you not remember what happened?"

"No," I answer bafflingly, "what happened?"

"We were playing football and you ran off the cliff. You hit your head on some branches of a fallen tree on the way down. You've been here, unconscious, for two days now."

"Oh" was the only thing I could think to say. I try to find that memory in my brain, but I can't. I don't know why. It shakes my insides.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you're okay Smart." Soda tells me, wearing his famous, Greek god grin.

"Well, I'm here." I try to joke. My voice barely comes out as a whisper; my throat is really barren, and it feels like I'm exhaling fire. "You're welcome."

He chuckles as the door barges open. In walk Darry with Ponyboy. "Smarty! You're awake!" Darry blurts. My head started pounding again.

"Smarty!" Pony smiles and slams the door. I was starting to get mad.

"Jesus can you guys quit slamming the door and yelling." I say.

"We weren't yelling Smarty," Pony tells me, "we didn't slam the door either."

"Okay well whatever. Can you stop bein' so loud, you're making my head hurt." Soda laughs at me. "What's so funny Soda? Tell me."

He clears his throat. "Nothing."

"That's what I thought." I say back.

"That's no way to talk to your brother. Why are you in such a bad mood Smarty?" Darry asks me.

"My head hurts like hell—"

"Language." Darry interrupts.

"Yeah yeah. My head hurts and you guys are making it worse by all the loud noises. I'm sorry for snapping at you Soda."

"It's okay," he says, "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah, me too." Darry says, pulling a chair from the wall next to my bed.

The noise of the dragging chair made a long and sharp stab in my skull. My hands shoot up to my temples. "Darry!"

"Sorry honey," He apologizes, picking up the chair the rest of the way.

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