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Jimin was still afraid after what had happened.  

How the hell was Mark there? Why did he continue to harass him? These were questions of which he knew the one simple answer. 

Min Yoongi.

Truly Jimin did feel a bit safer with Jungkook at his school now. Jungkook knew everything, more than Hoseok so that gave him a bigger sense of security.

He just wished Yoongi knew. Although he knew his past wasn't something anyone should have to deal with. He felt ashamed of everything he was put through, and he didn't want to be an embarrassment for his lover.

He just went on with his day at school with his best friend's by his side, and the obvious tension between Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung.


After the whole Mark incident, Yoongi was going to protect Jimin at all costs.

He had finally made up his mind about Jimin. In all the years he has been alive, he never felt this way about anyone. He never got attached to anyone because he knew death was inevitable.

Although, Jimin was different. You know how when people get married, they always say, "in life and death"

Well that was the case with Jimin. It's only been three days of them knowing each other, but with all the events that have occurred he didn't want to waste time.

He might not be alive in the next hour or so with the job he has. Already, he planned a day for him and Jimin.

He was setting reservations at a restaurant he always wanted to try, and that's when his phone rang. He picked it up.


"Boss. Jimin told me he saw Mark around campus. I didn't spot him anywhere though, but I thought I should inform you."

Yoongi's blood boiled, but he calmed down before actually exploding.

"Thanks Jungkook. I'll talk with him tonight. Bye."

He hung up before he got more angry, and he got back to setting the reservations. The website said to check his email for the reservation slip, and so he did.

"Reservation Slip: Thank you for your service!"

Right below that was an email that he hadn't opened. He was confused, but decided to open it 

"This might interest you"

Was what the subject read. He opened it and didn't recognize the email. There was a link attached to a video.

He opened it.

There were small moans of desperateness. He couldn't recognize the people in the video.

There was a pause and than someone saying, "so you are gay!"

Soon one of them turned and immediately Yoongi recognized both people in the video.

"Mark and . . ."

He completely shut off his computer. Anger flowing through his body, but he felt a pit in his stomach.

One thing was on his mind, "I have to talk to Jimin."


When Jimin was gone for those two days, many things happened.

One of which was Hoseok and Taehyung.

It was a day without knowing about Jimin, both of them worried but they had exams the next day.

To try to make things easier they studied together, but soon studying books became studying each other's bodies.

It was a passionate night, Hoseok sweating over Taehyung's body. Moans and passion filled the air.

Hoseok always felt something for Taehyung, but Taehyung didn't feel the exact same as soon as he saw Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin was more calm and felt better after the incident,  Jungkook went off with Taehyung while Hoseok stayed with Jimin.

They got to know each other a bit more. As if Jungkook didn't try just four days ago to fuck Jimin. Although, this was more than just wanting sex. He wanted Taehyung both emotionally and physically.

As they talked Jungkook wanted to get to know him more out of school, "Would you go out with me tommorow night? It'll be my treat. I'll take you to eat whatever you want." Taehyung blushed and responded, "yes I would love to go out with you."

"Great. I'll see you tommorow night." Jungkook smiled.

He than went to find Jimin, so that they could go home. Stopping by the library to check if he was there since he seemed like a bookworm type of student. He searched and found him.

"Jimin. Let's go home." He whispered since he was in a library.

"Okay. Let me get my things." He whispered back.

While Jimin prepared his bag he couldn't help but feel like there were eyes on him. There were as he turned to see Hoseok staring at him, as if he wanted to actually kill him.

Jimin was finally ready, "bye Hoseok! I'll see you on Monday." He whispered and Hoseok just waved to him.

As Jimin and Jungkook walked out. Jungkook whispered to Jimin, "I don't think your friend likes me"

"He likes you. Trust me." Jimin said reassuring Jungkook who looked behind him to see Hoseok staring at him, and when Hoseok saw Jungkook turn back he flipped him off and mouthed, "fuck yourself"

Jungkook just turned around and kept walking. They got to the car, and Jimin blasted his music since he had the aux cord this time.


They finally got home.

Jungkook went to his room and Jimin went to his.

He walked up the stairs and opened the door to find a Min Yoongi on the corner of his bed sitting.

"Jimin. We have to talk."

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