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The door slamming got his attention.

"What the fuck is that?" He questioned.

He decided to investigate. As he opened his door he saw Yoongi walking out in a rush. That's when he followed.

He rushed to catch up with them. Soon he made outside in the cold rain and saw the scene.

"Yugyeom." He whispered. That's when he started running towards Jimin.

He promised to protect him and that's what he did. As the shooter was pulling the trigger, Jungkook pushed Jimin out of the way. 

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Everything went dark as soon as he was shot.

There were sirens blaring, and soon there was a white ceiling.

"Stay with me." Someone beside kept saying. From the voice he guessed it was Yoongi. He could only see blurs, but as his eyes focused on Yoongi he saw the tears coming from his face.


"Why the hell did he do this?" Jimin kept asking himself. Soon he saw Yoongi coming back from being with Jungkook.

Jimin stood up. Yoongi stood there and didn't say a word, but Jimin could tell Jungkook getting shot affected him.

The younger soon put his arms around the older. At this point he just let it all out, Jimin made him feel like he had a safe place.

"I've seen him grow up. I took him in when his parents could no longer care for him. I should've taken the bullet, but not Kookie." He bawled. Jimin just ran his fingers through his hair.

"Trust me. I know he'll be okay. He's strong." Yoongi just held Jimin tighter when he said that. They stayed there like that for about five hours, till the doctors finally with news.

Yoongi and Jimin stood up, and they were afraid. 

Afraid of what the doctor could say and what could possibly be either good or bad news.

"Family of Jeon Jungkook?" The doctor asked.

" Yes? That is I." Yoongi said.

The doctor came up to him, he really had no expression for Yoongi to guess what the news would be 

"We were able to extract the bullet from Mr. Jeon, although we need a blood donor. He has lost a lot of blood and if he doesn't have a blood donor soon. He will die." The doctor soon left,  leaving Yoongi asking who could have Jungkook's blood type.

He knew he wasn't a match and Jimin knew he wasn't a match. Therefore he needed to find someone. Jungkook's parents weren't a choice, they were dead.

Jimin kept thinking and thinking who he could possibly know that had Jungkook's same blood type.

Can you guys come to the hospital? It's urgent. Do any of you have blood Type A btw?

Are you okay? Also, I'm blood type AB.

What's happening? I think I'm blood type A.

Just please come soon. I need you guys.

Jimin was worried. He didn't want Jungkook to die, because of him. He would never forgive himself.

Soon Taehyung arrived. He comforted Jimin in his time of need.

Not too much later, Hoseok arrived. That's when Yoongi came up to them.

"Jungkook's is of blood type A. Are any of them a match?" Yoongi asked.

"Hoseok is." Jimin said 

"Wait. What? What happened to Jungkook?" Taehyung cried out.

"What do you mean, I'm a match?" Hoseok asked.

"He was shot and he won't survive if you don't donate blood." Jimin explained.

"Fuck. Hoseok please save him." Taehyung cried.

Hoseok just got up. He went to walk off by himself.

"Should I save him or let him die?" He thought to himself.

Jungkook's life was in the hands of the person who hated him. Would Hoseok pick to keep Taehyung or Jungkook?

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