Just Like Dad

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This is VERY short. Next chapter will be better, I promise. 

This chapter has NOT been edited!


It had been a few days since my meeting with Vanessa. And during the past few days, I had tried my absolute hardest to forget everything about my family but the task was seemingly impossible. 

I just couldn't. If there was anything in this world I genuinely hated, it would be the Pierce family – or well, what was left of it. 

My feelings towards them wasn't always like this. No, not at all. Once upon a time, the mere mention of my family would bring nothing but joy to me. But those feelings all died along with my mother. 

My mother. My heart began to race and tears pricked the corners of my eyes at the thought of her. She was my happiness and one of the few things in this world that actually mattered to me. She was the kindest out of all the souls in the universe and she looked at everything in the world from the most positive aspect. 

But as they say, the happiest are - in fact - the saddest. Although my mother seemed like the happiest person on the surface, deep down she was harbouring deep pain and hatred. And it was all courtesy to the one person she loved the most in this universe – her husband. Her lying and cheating husband. 

At first I tried to understand him. Really, I did. I was a foolish child and my mother had always told me that love conquers all. So I really tried to give him a chance. I wanted him to explain himself and tell me why he was being so cruel towards my mother. Was he truly that deeply in love that he was willing to leave his wife and child for another woman and her child? 

I was even ready to forgive him had he told me her really did love that woman. That was what my mother had taught me after all. Love conquers all. 

But he didn't. He simply threw a mere apology over his shoulder as he walked away from the family he once claimed to love. The family I knew he once loved. 

My father wasn't a man of many words but his actions always spoke very loudly and clearly. Whenever he looked at my mother, his eyes were filled with nothing but stars and hearts. I may have been young at the time, but even I could feel the love radiating off of him when he was in the presence of my mother. And of course, the love he had for me. So for a man like that to leave without even a second glance, how would the rest of the population be?

A tear escaped from my eyes as I remembered why I had sworn off of love and anything to do with it in the first place. To me, love was nothing but a fake escape from reality. Something to make the ugliness of the world feel more bearable; even for a short moment. And once all the ugliness turned to a tiny fragment of prettiness, the fake love also disappeared. 

Just like my situation now. My life was down in the gutters before I met Daniel. Had it not been for him, I would most probably be in jail right now. He was someone that made my ugly world more bearable. But was I really in love with him? A tiny snort-like laugh escaped my lips as my eyes landed on my own reflection in the mirror before me. The expensive dress, the large bed I was sitting on and this room that was almost as big as my house before my marriage were all fake. None of it was real. None of it actually belonged to me. 

My eyes travelled from my own reflection to the balcony. The same balcony that witnessed Daniel and I change our destiny. 

Daniel. I sighed as my mind travelled back to him. What would become of Daniel and I after our divorce? He said he wanted to court me for real but outside of this fake lifestyle, what was there to get to know? Once he gets what he wants from this marriage, he would forget my existence altogether. I mean, the only reason we even bother with each other is so that no one suspects all the lies we have been telling since the day we signed those damned papers.

And what would become of my supposed feelings for him after we actually separated? Did I really have feelings for him or was it simply because he's the only intimate contact I have had in a long time? 

If I did pursue my supposed feelings for him would I regret it? Would he regret it if we actually became a real couple? 

His first love was Juliette, after all. She was in her own league of beauty – like a modern Cleopatra. I couldn't even be compared to her toenail. 

And more importantly, what about his family? No matter how much Mrs. Sage pretended to like me, it simply does not make sense that one minute she hated me and the next she liked me. She was a sly and calculating woman, she would definitely have something up her sleeve. And the rest of his family? It was clear they were simply tolerating me just for Daniel's sake. 

Could I really live the rest of my life as the hated bride? The bride that no one would respect and always look down upon? Could I really? 

Were my feelings for Daniel that strong that I could tolerate all of it? 

I didn't know. What I did know was that I needed to get away from Daniel and his crazy family and actually think properly before I actually made a decision on whether I should leave or not.

But even as I decided upon my next step, a thought kept harshly pricking at the corners of my brain.

If I did leave, would that make me just like dad?


A whole chapter dedicated to Isabella's thoughts... Hope this wasn't super boring. Like I said at the beginning, the next chapter will be better. I promise! I just wanted to give a little bit more insight on her family story. Of course, there is still more to it though. You'll find out completely soon.

Let me know what you guys think! Did you like it? Hate it? Was it boring? Let me know. :)

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