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Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating Eid today! I hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones!

This chapter has NOT been edited.


"You're ignoring me," Daniel stated as he stood right in front of me and stared deep into my eyes. 

I had successfully managed to evade him for three days straight but Daniel seemed to be fed up by my behaviour by the fourth day. He walked into my room without any warning and began demanding answers. 


I jumped off my bed and made my way towards the kitchen. 

"I'm not," I lied. 

"Isabella," Daniel sighed, as he pulled me to a stop by gently grabbing my elbow. "How many times are we going to play this cat and mouse game? Aren't you bored yet?" 

I didn't answer. He wasn't wrong. I had made a habit of ignoring him and he a habit of chasing me until the issue was solved. 

"I'm not ignoring you," I repeated more forcefully this time. I pulled my arm out of his hold and continued towards the kitchen. 

Daniel didn't seem to believe me. 

"There's an event tonight, come with me." 

"Tonight?" I asked, pretending to think about it as I stared at the fridge. "I have an assignment due tomorrow, so I don't think I can make it. Sorry." 

Daniel pressed his lips together and stared at me with a disappointed look in his eyes before replying, "If you want me to believe you're not ignoring me, then come." 

I swallowed loudly. There I was, pushed into a corner and the only way to get out was to comply with him. I bit down on my bottom lip, desperately thinking of a way to get out of it but I just wasn't good at coming up with ideas when under pressure. 

"Alright," I breathed. "I'll come." 

Daniel beamed. "Great, I'll call Faith so she can help you get ready."

"That's not necessary! I can get dressed myself." 

Daniel didn't listen. Within seconds, he was on the phone with his sister and within another minute, there was a knock at the door. Daniel opened it and greeted his sister before pushing her in my direction with a large smile on his face. 

The bloody bastard was expecting it to go his way right from the start. A million and one curses began playing in my head, causing me to bite down on my tongue to keep my colourful thoughts to myself. But God knew how much I wanted to spit them all out onto Daniel's smug face. I just needed to keep calm in front of his baby sister. 

"Hi Izzy," Faith greeted as Daniel walked away, leaving the two of us alone. I was too busy glaring at his back that it took me a while to notice that there was something different about Faith. And it wasn't a good different either. 

I watched her as she mechanically began to empty her make-up bag, pulling everything out one by one. I moved from my position so I could get a better look at her and froze upon seeing the condition of her face. 

She looked like she had been through hell and back. Her usually glowing face was dimmed and decorated with red blotchy rashes and her usually shiny bright eyes were red and hollow. Her high and pointy nose was red and her plump lips were pouted and down-turned. 

I felt my breath hitch in my throat upon seeing her like this. I don't know why but seeing her face like this made my heart race angrily. 

"Hey," I slowly began, inching towards her, "everything alright?" 

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