The Bite

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You know those certain people that have a story to tell.

Their stories are so amazing that you wish you had their life...

I used to not be one of those people.

In till I took one walk in the woods that change my life.

So here it goes...

My name is Malena Anderson.

And this is my story.

Malena's Bite (Teen Wolf)

Chapter 1

I walk around the woods, with my sketch pad and pencil. I look around for any thing that would catch my eye. I eventually stumble upon a lake. I look around the lake's edges. I spot a plant with little purple flowers on the stems. I sit down I'm front of it and study it for a bit. Then I turn to my sketch pad and start to sketch the flower and all it's glory.

It's starts to get dark so I quickly grab my phone and snap a picture of the plant. I put my phone back in my pocket and put my sketch pad and pencil in my bag. I stand up and start to walk back to my car. Suddenly, I hear other foot steps. I look around and see nothing. Then I hear a loud growl. I turn around and see some kind of wolf creature. I stand there frozen. Then it tackles me! I fall on the ground on my back and it lays there on top of me. I try not to panic. I start to slow my breathes and the wolf thing chuckles. Wait! Chuckles! It can't do that! I looked at it shocked. "Your a very brave girl. Most people would be screaming and panicking." The wolf thing says. "How are you talking?" I stutter my words. It's chuckles again. "Your going to be great in my pack." The wolf says in a scary voice. "P-Pack?" I stutter. "Haven't you ever heard of werwolves?" It says. I nod, slowly. "Well that's how you will be in my pack." Wait? What! "You mean your a w-werew-wolf?!" I ask a little more scared. The wolf nods. My eyes widen. Then the wolf bites my arm. I scream in pain. Then something pushes the wolf off of me. It let's go of my arm, but I still scream because of the pain of the bite. I hear more than one growl.

I look over where the growls are from. I see the wolf and a guy with blue eyes, wolf fangs, claws, and more hair around his face. I'm still lying on the ground in pain. Then suddenly the wolf growls and runs off into the woods. I sit up and look at my arm and there's a giant bite mark on it. It's also bleeding but not too much. I glance up at the guy that didn't look almost like a wolf anymore. His blue eyes were replaced with green eyes, also his fangs, claws, and some of the hair on his face was gone. He looked like a normal person now.

"W-What was that thing meaning by pack and werwolves?" I asked him. He looked at me for a while, then glanced at my arm where the bite mark is. He frowns at the bite mark and his eyes turn blue again. "That was Alpha. One of the most powerful werewolf." He states looking into my eyes. "You mean werwolves are real?" I ask. He nods and turns back into the wolf look. "Does this look real to you?" He questions, pointing to himself. I nod. "But he looked like a wolf." I say confused. "Because he's got more power." He states and goes back to his human form.I look down at my bite and frown. "He bit you so you would become one and join his pack and kill people." He says staring at my bite too. "Like the girl and the man on the bus?" I ask. He nods. "But it don't want to kill people." I say looking at the ground. "And you won't" he says walking closer to me. I glance up at him. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Your not going to join his pack. I going to help you with this and then your going to help me kill him." He says. He puts his hand out for me to take. I take it and he pulls me up. "Are there others?" I ask. "There's one more. Do you know Scot McCall?" He asks me. I nod. "Yeah, he's in all of my classes." I say. "Well he's the other one." He says. "No wonder why he's been acting strange." I say.

"Where were you going?" He asks. "To my car." I state, looking in the direction were you can barley see my car's roof. "Also why were you here any ways?" He asks as we start walking to my car. "I was drawing this purple flower I found near a lake." I say grabbing my phone from my pocket and showing him the flower. He stops and stares at it for a while. He glances at me worriedly. "Did you touch it?" He asks. "No, why?" I ask. "It's called wolfsbane, it can kill you if it gets inside of you." He states and we start to walk again.

"So what will happen, when I become a werewolf?" I ask. Then explains that I will hear better, smell better, heal faster, run faster, and be stronger. Then he explains the full moon. "So how will I not go around and kill people?" I ask. "Do you know where that burned down house is?" He asks. "Yeah." I state. "You will come there before dark and I will figure out a way to tie you down, in till you learn to control it." He says. I nod. When we get to my car, I unlock it and open the door. But I turn around and look at him. He stares back at me and raises his eye brows. "What's your name?" I ask. "Derek, yours?" He asks. "Malena." I state and get into the car. I start it and drive off. I look in my car mirror and see Derek smiling like an idiot. I smile too, and look back at the road.

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