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Malena's Bite (Teen Wolf)

Chapter 11

I'm sitting on my sofa at my house with popcorn watching Divergent. I love this movie so much! As I watch it, I hear and smell Derek come into my bedroom. "Come down stairs." I say and focus back on the movie. I hear Derek's footsteps coming down the stairs and into the living room. I look up at him. He stands there with his hands in his pocket with a small smile on his face. I pat the spot next to me and turn back and watch the movie. He takes off his jacket and hangs it over a chair and then comes and sits on the sofa with me. "What are you watching?" He asks as he puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Divergent, now hush." I say and put pieces of popcorn in his mouth to shut him up. He rolls his eyes and stays quiet.

When it gets to the part were Four takes off his shirt to show Tris his tattoo, I bite my lip. Theo James is so hot and sexy! If I could I would walk through the TV screen and make out with him. Derek notices me biting my lip, he rolls his eyes and covers up my eyes with his hand. I frown and growl at him. I shove his hand away. When he had his hand over my eyes I missed were he leaned in to kiss her! I cross my arms over my chest and glare at Derek. "You made me miss the best part!" I scold at him. "Only because that number dude took his shirt off." Derek states. "Well I can't help that he is very attractive." I say to tease Derek. He frowns and stares at me. I smirk and stick my tongue out.

He pulls me closer to him and leans above me. He then crashes his lips into mine. Our lips move together as we hold each other close. He glides his tongue over my bottom lip and I let him in. He shoves his tongue into my mouth. His hands run up and down under my shirt as I tug on his hair.

He lays us down on the sofa, were he hovers over me without breaking our kiss. I soon enough rip off his shirt and continue to kiss. He starts making kisses down my jaw line to my neck. He starts to suck on my neck and I moan. As he sucks my neck, he slowly pulls up my shirt. He evenly stops and pulls off my shirt. I crash my lips back into his and wrap my arms around his neck.

All the sudden we hear someone clear their throat. We pull apart panting and look at the person who interrupted us. There stands Scott and Stiles. I glare at them. I notice that they are starring at my chest. Oh god! I'm only wearing a bra on my chest. My face reddens and I cover my chest. Derek growls at them and they turn away. Derek gets off of me and grabs our shirts. I put on mine and walk up to the boys. They turn around to only be slapped by me. They seem shocked and angry as they rub their cheeks.

"What the hell!" I shout at them. "We were knocking on the door but I could smell both of you on there so we walked in because we needed to talk to both you." Scott explains. "Well you better be glad that Derek and I were just making out! Because next time we might not be doing that!" I shout again. Both their eyes widen realizing what I said. "You two have had sex!" Stiles exclaims. I roll my eyes, what part of we're mates do they not get. "None of your dam business." I say sternly.

Scott suddenly sniffs the air and frowns and looks at me. "Why do I smell blood, your blood?" Scott asks and my eyes widen. I don't Scott maybe because on my period, because girls get it every month! I exclaim in my head but I stay quiet. Derek sniffs the air too and he must have caught it because he walks over to me. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt." I state. "Then why do I smell fresh blood that's yours?" Derek asks. "Do guys know anything about girls?!" I exclaim. They all look at me confused, I literally face palm and sigh. "Because I'm on something called a period, that only girls get." I say and look down at the ground embarrassed.

There's a long awkward silence and I clear my throat. "Anyways, what do you basters want?" I ask. "Since your both Alphas-" I cut Scott off. "Luna." I correct. "I though you said when the Alpha dies you become an alpha?" Stiles says. "I did but I had to bite someone to stay Luna witch I did." I state. "Who?" Stiles asks. I sigh and walk towards Derek. He rolls his eyes and I pull down his collar were you can see the bite mark. I point at it and Stiles's mouth shapes into an 'O'.

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