Another Alpha

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 14

Once I get out of my last class I put my books in my locker and shut my locker. My phone buzzes and I pull out to see that Derek texted me.

Can you go to lacrosse practice and make sure Isaac doesn't cause any trouble? -Derek

I sigh and text back.

Fine but you ow me. -Malena

I shove my phone in my pocket and make my way to the field. I sit on the bleachers and pull out my sketch pad.

I start sketch a wolf in till some sits next to me and grabs the pencil out of my hand.

I look up at the person and see Stiles. I glare at him and look at the pencil in his hand then back at him.

"Okay okay I giving you the pencil back." He mumbles handing it back to me.

"What do you want idiot number one?" I ask and he glares at me. "Who's the other werewolf?" Stiles asks and I roll my eyes.

"You and idiot number two will have to find out your selves." I state going back to drawing.

He sighs angrily and stomps off to the field. I look up from my paper and see Scott tackling the players and sniffing them.

I shake my head and catch something in the corner of my eye. I look over there and see Derek smiling at me. I smile and put my things in my bag.

I walk over to him and give him a short kiss on the lips. He smiles again and wraps an arm around my waist.

Suddenly three officers come up to the field. I listen and they're taking Isaac because of his father. And that's not the worse part, tonight is the full moon.

I glance up at Derek worriedly and he gives me the same look. "Come on." Derek mumbles and gently takes my hand in his.

We make our way to the school parking lot. I notice the people that are leaving are staring at me and Derek. The girls are glaring at me and the guys are glaring at Derek.

I roll my eyes and Derek chuckles. We get to his car and I get in the passenger seat. Derek starts the car and waits for the police car to drive off with Isaac.

When it does Derek drives up to where Scott is standing. "Get in." Derek says and Scott scoffs. "That is your fault." Scott exclaims. "We know that now get in the car and help us." I say opening the door.

"No. You know what I think going to call a lawyer because they might actually be able to get him out!" Scott exclaims again.

"Not when they do an actual search of the house." Derek says and I nod. "What do you mean?" Scott asks. "What's in the house is way worser than what Jackson told them." I say and get out of the car for him to get in.

He sighs and climbs into the back as Derek speeds off out the school parking lot.

When we get to Isaac's house we head down to the basement. Derek has Scott practice his senses by trying to find out what had happened down there.

When he reaches the freezer, Derek flashes the flash light in his face and he flinches. "Open it." Derek says and Scott slowly takes off the lock.

When he opens it, my hand flies over my mouth. Even though I already knew, it was way worser though.

They weren't claw marks they were finger nail marks. I have to hold back tears.

Since I'm a Luna it effects me a lot more than Derek because I'm more protective of my pack.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and I get a text from my mom.

Where the hell are you?! Remember my friend that's coming over here in like ten minutes! -Mom

"Shit!" I say and Derek and Scott glance over at me. "I completely forgot about this dinner I really have to go to so can I borrow your car Derek?" I ask and he pulls out his keys.

I reach to grab them but he pulls them away. "One scratch and no more driving my car." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Okay now give me the keys I gotta go!" I say and he finally gives me the keys. I smile and give him a peck on the lips.

"Bye! And good luck with Isaac!" I shout as I leave through the door. I quickly get in the car and drive off towards my car.

When I get home I quickly walk into see an anger mom. She angrily raises her eye brows. "I'm sorry mom but we ran into a problem." I explained. She sighs and crosses her arms.

"By 'we' you mean Derek and you I'm guessing." She says and I nod. "Your lucky their not here yet or you would be I serious trouble." My mom says and I sigh with a nod.

"So who is coming over again?" I ask. "One of my friends and her 17 year old son." My mom says and I roll my eyes.

"Mom you can try as hard as you can but I'm staying with Derek." I say and she rolls her eyes. "He's too old for you!" My mom complains and I sigh. "He's my mate!" I argue back.

Before she can respond theirs a knock at the door. "Their here can you go let them in?" She asks and I nod and make my way to the door.

"Be nice!" She shouts from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and open the door with a fake smile on my face. As soon as the door opens a smell of a werewolf hits me like a brick.

I swallow back a growl and look at the two people standing there. There is a woman that looks my mothers age but she's human. I look behind her and see a teenage boy. He has dark, brown hair with brown eyes.

"You must be Malena." The woman says and I nod with a smile. "I'm Natalie and this is my son Zeke." Natalie says and I nod. "We'll come on in. My mom is in the kitchen." I say and Natalie smiles and walks in.

Zeke starts to walk in but I stop him before he can. He looks at me confused and I flash my purple eyes to tell him I don't want any trouble. He smirks and his brown eyes turn a blood red.

He's an Alpha.

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