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Malena's Bite

Chapter 19

The day of the full moon

I decide I need to call Derek about the full moon tonight. I find his name in my contacts and call him. After the the first ring he picks it up.

D: What's wrong?

M: Derek, I'm fine. I just wanted to call you about the full moon tonight.

D: Thank god!

M: anyways be careful tonight.

D: I always am Malena.

M: I will try my best to keep my wolf in if you get hurt. And you will to.

D: Malena! If you get hurt I swear to god-

M: Derek it's the full moon. If I get hurt it's because of an other pack or something okay.

D: Just be careful!

M: I will and if I don't call or text you tomorrow you can come look for me. Okay?

D: Okay. Well I have to go get the chains ready. I love you.

M: I love you too. Be safe!

D: you too!

And then I hung up and sighed. "You know I would love to meet this Derek guy. He seems nice." I hear Dalton say. I turn to look at him and he stands there in the door way with Brody. I glare at them and they smile innocently. "Are you both going to ease drop on all of my phone calls?" I ask. "Yup!" Dalton says and plops down on the bed. Brody just chuckles and walks in. "What do you two dumb asses want?" I ask in a playfully tone. "We wanted ask you if you wanted to come hunt down the blood lusted werewolves tonight with us." Brody answers. "Don't you guys have hunters for that?" I ask and they both shake their heads. "You all are lucky." I state. "Even my father is one." I mumble. It gets really quiet.

"Anyways I would love to, if Dawn doesn't act like a bitch." I say. They both chuckle for a long time. "I'm afraid she was born that way." Dalton says. "Then how in the world are you twins?" I say. "Sometimes I wonder that too." Dalton states. "I can hear you loud and clearly." Dawn voice snaps through the room. I glare at her. "Does it look like I really care?" I ask. She just glares at me and turns to the boys. "It's time to go." She states and walks down stairs. We all start to go down stairs too.

We get outside and see Donnie, Eric, and Dawn shifted ready to go. Dalton and Brody shift too. They all have yellow eyes except Donnie. They all stare at me waiting to shift. I look around for a place to undress. "Hold on be right back." I say and run to a far away bush. I can tell the two men are confused. I quickly get undressed and shift into my wolf. I trot back over to them. The to men look shocked and exchange a few glances. 'Are we gonna go or not?' I ask them.

Then we are off. I was teamed up with Brody. The both of us run through the woods in till we get to spot that we are supposed to monitor. 'What exactly will we do if we see a bloodlust filled werewolf?' I ask Brody sniffing the humid air. "Give them pain so they will shift back." Brody responses and I nod.

Then little bits of pain go through my body. Derek. My wolf whimpers and Brody looks at me with concern. 'Its just Derek. Full moon. Pack.' I inform him and he nods. Then a sound of a twig snaps and we both stiffen. I look around and I see bright yellow eyes. I look around and there's five of them. I growl and show my teeth but then I notice blood red eyes. It's a pack.

"Alpha it's a Luna." One of them snarls. "The prophecy has been broken, Maxwell." Another one informs. Wait! Maxwell?! 'Oh shit! Maxwell?! I'm dead!' I scream in my head but I know they all herd it. Maxwell chuckles and steps towards me. I growl and stand my ground. "Your a brave one." He states. "Shouldn't you be with your pack, though?" He asks. And I just snarl at him.

'You want me dead your going to have to fight me. With no help from your pack. Just me and you.' I snap at him. He chuckles. "Alright little Luna." He sneers. Brody just growls at them. 'Brody I'll be fine.' I inform him.

We start to circle each other and I snarl at him. He growls and swipes his claws at me. I doge them and grab onto his arm and bite down on it. And then I let go and push him to the ground and stand above him and dig my claws into his chest. He grits his teeth and starts to breathe heavier. I'm about to ripe his throat but then I think about his pack. I can't kill their Alpha and become an Alpha. I need to let someone in their pack do it. I know they all hate him. I make sure he can't get up off the ground before I speak.

'I can't kill your Alpha because if I did I would steal his power and you would no longer have an Alpha.' I say to the pack. 'I know about Toriana and the way he treats you all. I'm giving you a chance to pick a new Alpha. So pick someone from your pack who you know that will be able to use this power responsibly.' I finish and they all look at this teenage girl and they nod to her. She takes steps towards us and I move out of the way but I keep him held down. She holds her hand up ready to slash his throat but says something that I didn't expect.

"I just wanted to let you know that your not my real father. My mother Toriana was in love with some else than you." She shouts and slashes his throat. He makes chocking sounds and then dies. The girl's eyes flash red and she looks at me. "What's your name?" She asks. 'Malena. Yours?' I say. "Tori." She says and I nod my grey and white head. "Malena me and my pack want to thank you for saving us from him." She says and crouches down and wraps her arms around my neck and burrows her head into my fur. I nuzzle her neck and lick her cheek. 'Its was my pleasure.' I respond. She smiles and nods and disappears with her pack.

I turn around to look at Brody but I see everyone behind me. Brody, Dalton, Dawn, Donnie, and Eric. They all look at me in shock. Donnie looks at his pack then back at me and bows. Then the whole pack bows. Dalton elbowed Dawn in the ribs and Donnie gave her look and she bowed too. I start to wag my grey and white tail and I bow too.

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