Peter Fucking Hale

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 20

~the next morning~

I had a rough sleep that night because I kept feeling pain in my arm and other places. I hope Derek is okay. I sigh and sit up and grab my phone off the side table. I dial his number and call him. The phone picks up on the third ring.

D: Malena?

M: Hey. Are you alright? Last night I felt some pain.

D: yeah I'm fine but a few things happened that night.

M: what do you mean?

D: Matt was Jackson's master and then he was killed and Geared became the master.

M: Well shit.

D: and there's more... Erica and Boyd are leaving but I'm not sure about Isaac. And...

M: And?! What else has happened?!

D: Peter is no longer dead.


D: I know you have been there only for a week but you need to come back we need your help. I need your help.

M: oh I'm coming back right now! I will see you later.

D: okay, I'm coming to get you.

I hang up and quickly get ready to leave. "We are coming with you." I hear Brody say at the door." I look over and see Brody and Dalton there with one bag each in their hands. "Are you sure? I don't want you getting hurt." I say grabbing my bag. "Yeah we told my dad and he's fine with it." Brody says. "And Dawn isn't invited." Dalton says and I smile at them. I give them both a hug. "Thanks." I say and walk down stairs. I see my mom in the kitchen. She see my bag and frowns. "Mom as much as I don't want to go but I have to get back. Derek needs my help and the Kanma is going out of control." I say and she nods in understanding and gives me a hug before we go.

We walk out and just as we do, Derek's black Camaro pulls up. He gets out of the car and walks towards me. I quickly jump into his arms and hug him tightly. Even though it's been a week, it's feels like a year. We finally pull apart and I smile. Derek looks over at Brody and Dalton. "Well we got some extra help." I state. "Derek this is Brody and Dalton. And boys this is Derek." I say and they nod at each other. "Nice ride." Dalton says checking out the car.

"Nice everything." Someone comments and of course it's Dawn. I growl at her and feel Derek wrap a hand around my waist. "Dawn what are you going?" Dalton asks. "Well I'm coming aren't I?" Dawn asks. "No my dad says your not invited." Brody snaps at her. "And you can't disobey your Alpha." I sneer at her and put my bags in the trunk. Brody and Dalton do the same. I hear Dawn scoff but she doesn't say anything.

Dalton and Brody climb to the back of the car and I get shot gun. Derek quickly gets in the car and drives off. "So how the hell is Peter alive?" I ask. "When he attacked Lydia, he kept showing up in her mind and he tricked her into helping him. Lydia used wolves bane on me and use me to bring him back. And yes I'm still an Alpha." Derek says and I sigh while hitting my head on the seat. "Quick question, who's Peter?" Dalton asks. "He's the alpha that bit me and made me a Luna." I say. "What else happened that night?" I ask and Derek sighs.

Derek tells me everything that happened and I'm more than angry at the end. "Anyways how was your full moon?" Derek asks. "Well I helped them look for any blood lusted werewolves and you wouldn't believe who I ran into." I say. "Who?" He asks. "Maxwell and his pack." I say and Derek's head snaps towards me. "I'm fine Derek he didn't hurt me." I say. "Yeah because you kicked his ass!" Dalton exclaims. "You what?!" Derek says. "Yeah, me and her were paired together and we ran into his pack and she challenged him. She amazingly won." Brody explains and Derek looks over at him and back at me.

"Did you kill him?" Derek asks and I shake my head. "She let someone who was apparently Toriana's daughter kill him so the pack would have an Alpha. I'm telling you that your lucky to have her in your pack and being your mate." Brody says and I start to blush. Derek smiles and intertwines our fingers. He kisses my hand still watching the road and I lean on his shoulder while closing my eyes.

I woke up to some quiet voices. I hear the boys talking, I keep my eyes closed wanting listen to their conversation. "Wow this Peter guy sounds pretty crazy." I hear Dalton say. "And he's your uncle?" Brody asks. I hear Derek sigh. "Yes." He mumbles with slight of anger in his voice. "So how do you exactly know if someone is your mate?" I hear Brody ask. "I don't know if it's the same for every one but I got this really weird feeling in my stomach and my wolf kept howling 'mate' to me. And later on I feel in love with Malena." Derek responses and I smile. "I love you too, Derek." I say and I finally opened my eyes to look at him. He smiles at me too. "I see you guys are friends now." I say with a yawn. They all chuckle and smile.

We arrive at the Hale house soon after. We all get out and walk in and head for what I think was the living room. Me and Derek start to look through some books for anything about the Kanma. Then I smelled to familiar scents. Derek and I both turn around to be met with Boyd and Erica. "When have you decide?" Derek asks. "Tonight." Erica answers. "Yeah everyone's going to be at the game so we thought it would be the best time." Boyd adds. Dalton and Brody just stay quiet and mind their own business. Derek and them start to argue but I stay quiet not knowing what to say. "Derek, were leaving." Erica says. Derek's about to say something but I cut him off. "No." I say and they all turn to look at me. "Your running! And once you start your never gonna stop!" I shout and Erica grabs Boyd's hand and leaves.

I turn around and stare at the table. I feel a tear fall from my eye but I quickly whip it away. Derek sighs and lifts up a piece of a mirror. All of the sudden he turns and throws at something. That something turns out to be Peter. "I was expecting a slightly warmer welcoming but," he guessers to the mirror piece. I growl a little at him with a nasty glare. "What's with the glare sweetheart?" Peter says sending me a smirk. "Don't call me sweetheart!" I shout showing my fangs and eyes. "Wow your still a Luna." Peter says and I just stare at him.

"What do you want Peter?" Derek spits out like venom. "Well I want to help. I mean you are my nephew." Peter says walking closer to us and I scoff. "Help?! Like we would want help from a lunatic." I snap. Peter looks over at Brody and Dalton. "Who are you two?" Peter asks. "Brody, Dalton" Brody says and points at each other. Peter nods and and takes one last step towards us where he's right in front of me and Derek. "I just want to talk." Peter says laying a hand on me and Derek's shoulder. "Yeah let's talk." Derek says. Derek looks at me then at Peter's hand then at me again and I nod at what he's trying to send me. The both of us grab his arms and throw him across the room into the stair case. Derek then starts to beat the crap out of Peter.

I walk over to where Brody and Dalton are as they watch Derek in amusement. "So that's Peter the Alpha that bit you." Dalton states and I nod. Later on Derek is holding Peter by the his shirt, holding up his fist to hit him. "Okay! Hit me! Hit me again! Derek I may be the one taking the beating but your the one upset about failing so really your taking the beating. So go ahead hit me!" Peter shouts and I walk towards them. Derek puts down his fist but still holds him by his shirt. "Okay." I say and punch his square in the face and Derek drops him so he falls on the floor.

Tommorow I will release the last chapter of Malena's Bite. Please after you read the last chapter read what I had to say about this story.


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