Visit From The Ex

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Malena's Bite (TeenWolf)

Chapter 13

When I get to my house I quickly run upstairs into my room. I lay down on my bed on my stomach. And let out a big sigh and whip away the tears. All of the sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder. I react quickly tackle them in to the floor and growl at them showing them my fangs and eyes. But then I realize it's Derek. He raises eye brows at me. I sigh and lay down on top of him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"What's wrong?" He whispers. "I found out that there is a possibility of me being killed." I mumble and Derek stiffens. "What do you mean?" He asks and sits up with my still laying on him. I sigh and get up. I grab the book and turn to the page. I hand it to him and he reads it. After a while he frowns and looks up from the book. His eyes start glow red and his claws start to grow.

I put my hand on his cheek and he makes eye contact with me. He starts to earn control again and shifts back to normal. "I'm not going to let any one hurt you." Derek stated and I smiled. I sit back down the floor and lean towards Derek.

Soon enough out lips touch and we soon it turns into a make out section. Derek leans back where his back is on the floor as I get on top of him, straddling his waist. He holds onto my waist and I run my fingers through his jet black hair. He licks my bottom lip and I let him in. Our tongues fight in till I finally give up.

All the sudden a loud sigh goes through the room. We instantly break apart and look at my door way. There stands is my mom with a frown across her face and her arms crossed. I sit up with Derek in between my legs and I raise my eye brows at my mom. "I'm going to work I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully not making out with him." My mom mumbles the last part and I nod. "Bye." I say and she closes my door and leaves. I hear Derek sigh in relief.

All of the sudden I feel something on my thigh. I look down and see Derek's little friend poking up from under his pants. I giggle and look up at Derek. He looks confused and raises his eye brows. "I think your little friend here wants to come out." I say and Derek looks down and he smirks. "Maybe we should let him out." Derek whispers and i smile.

Soon our lips meet and we start ripping each others' clothes off. And we all know were that went.

~next day~

I wake up to my buzzing alarm clock. I groan and smash my fist into my alarm clock. By accident I actually smash my clock into pieces. "Shit." I mumble into my pillow. I then I hear a familiar chuckle. Then I realize that I have no clothes on and he doesn't either. I smile and roll on top of him where I'm laying on his chest. I look into his green eyes and smile. "Morning my Luna." Derek whispers as I start to play with his short black hair. "Morning my Alpha." I whisper back and Derek smiles.

I lick my lips and stare into his green eyes. Derek's eyes flicker to my lips before he leans in. Our lips touch and instantly put my arms around his neck. We kiss passionately in till my phone buzzes. We pull apart and I groan and pick up my phone. It's my other alarm I put on there just in case. "Ugh I have to get to school." I mumble while I get up to get ready.

Derek drops me off at school. I give him a quick kiss and get out of the car. I soon as I shut the door he gives me a smile and speeds off. I chuckle and start to walk up to the school. Then I notice that like everyone is staring at me. I just roll my eyes and ignore them and go to my locker.

I suddenly sense someone behind me. Zane. I finish getting my books and turned around to face him. He's wearing one of his stupid smirks. "What?!" I snap at him. "Can I not come see my girl." He says and I glare at him. "I'm not YOUR girl. I'm Derek's!" I shout quietly and he frowns. "Derek! Derek Hale?!" He says in the same voice I used. "Yes Derek Hale." I say proudly and his heart beat starts to pick up from anger.

Suddenly the bell rings and I push pass Zane and head to first period. I walk in and look for a place to sit. I spot a place in the back next to the window. I smile and take a seat and look out the window. I hear someone sit next to me. I prepare myself to see Zane but surprisingly it's Isaac. I sigh in relief and send him a warm smile.

"How are you doing Isaac?" I ask and he smiles at me. "Doing fine you?" He asks. "Except for having to deal with an ex boyfriend, I'm doing fine." I say and he nods as the the teacher walks in and starts teaching class.

Malena's Bite - Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now